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Big Useless Data Bot #101

Open bdubb opened 7 years ago

bdubb commented 7 years ago

About the group

This project is in response to the Senate rolling back privacy rules regarding ISPs ability to sell and share data with 3rd-parties.

So far, it is a proof-of-concept bot that opens a web browser and starts surfing the web, in an effort to create lots of useless data, obfuscating what the ISPs would be able to sell.

I think of it as an online resistance tool.

Who we're looking for

We're looking for people that know what companies would be looking for in your web traffic. Right now, there is 0 intelligence for mimic'ing real human behavior. The behavior would be way to easy to filter out, as the bot currently works.

We're looking for folks that can help create and test executables for different platforms - it's a python scrip that you run from your command line, it would be great if we could create downloads of executables for non-tech users.


Python, so far. The python script uses Selenium to automate web browsing.

Relevant Links

Here's the repo: