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Project: Anytime Call Parties #103

Open jabrams2 opened 7 years ago

jabrams2 commented 7 years ago

About the group

Core problem is that around 50% of eligible Americans aren't voting. Sub-project is that Americans don't feel empowered, and so aren't going to the polls. This project, started by RISE, aims to empower individuals by allowing organizations to run never-ending, entirely virtual call parties with low overhead time and money costs. Users could join a call party any time (for five minutes or five hours), call suggested voters, read from a provided script, and update information as necessary. It aims to be quick and simple, lowering the barrier to entry for participants. These call parties would sync with the National Free Voter file (also a ProgCode project) to get around large monthly fees for voter data.

Who we're looking for

UI/UX Designers looking to map out user flows, site maps, wireframe, and/or provide hi-fi mockups. Front-end developers (HTML/CSS required, SASS and Javascript a plus) Backend Developers (anyone, but preferably someone who also has at least minimal understanding of best web security practices)


Github Trello

Relevant Links

Early stage hi-fi mockup of vision Info about RISE can be found here

rhires commented 7 years ago

Think for here is broken...

matthewjhough commented 5 years ago

What's the status on this project?