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Act.Today #114

Open mkossarian opened 7 years ago

mkossarian commented 7 years ago

About the group

Building a platform that combines research, social networks, and calls to action to get people more involved and more informed in what is happening in politics. We are using open gov data to aggregate data about bills, legislators, and committees to build a research tool, and connecting these to actions users can take related to things they care about.

Who we're looking for

We're looking for passionate people who are interested in coding (react/elasticsearch), politics (staffers, enthusiasts), and testing (everyone!). Domain knowledge in politics, campaigning, and activism is extremely valuable, and interest in getting involved and helping us beta test will help us greatly.


We are primarily using elasticsearch for the data/backend and react for the frontend. We are using AWS for hosting and routing. Describe the tools that you are using.

Relevant Links // Currently sign up link - can add testers through facebook app Any relevant links, e.g. a github repo, a demo site

alexburgos commented 7 years ago

@mkossarian still looking for someone to help? I'm FE developer working with React/Rails

rskoenig commented 7 years ago

@mkossarian I can help with testing and usability.