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Spoke: OS Peer to Peer Texting Tool #132

Open shakalee14 opened 6 years ago

shakalee14 commented 6 years ago

About the group

Peer to Peer texting continues to be on the forefront of political communication-- getting the word out about campaigns, advocacy actions, fundraising and more. Spoke, originally created by Saikat Chakraborti and Sheena Pakanati, lead developers with the Bernie Sanders Campaign, is now being maintained by inherited the project in Spring of 2017 and has open sourced it in hopes of making an accessible option for peer to peer texting. Currently we have 3 organizations actively contributing to the cultivation of this project.

While emailing and broadcast (short code) SMS tools continue to be effective ways to get in contact with your base, a recent study authored by 270 Strategies concluded that people who received text messages from a person were more than 3 times more likely to attend the event versus getting an invite from the organization[1]. Not only the message, but who the text message comes from matters.

Who we're looking for

We're looking for everybody - Check out the issue list at We’ve marked issues on the level of perceived priority and difficulty. If you want to see what MoveOn is currently working on, visit the milestones tab in Github and find the current week. We have major projects around making the app more accessible, mobile friendly and giving the app the ability to query data warehouses directly. We’re hoping this project creates more opportunities for progressive tech to come together and build more robust tools for the campaigns we care about. If you want to chat about the project, join us in the Progressive Coders Workspace - - and search for the channel #Spoke. Join us and collaborate!


Spoke currently uses the following technologies:

  1. ReactJS to render front end views
  2. NodeJS as a backend server
  3. RethinkDB and Thinky for backend model creation
  4. Rethink-Knex-Adapter, a connector node module MoveOn created to wrap the RethinkDB and thinky models and translate them into KnexJS and PSQL for the database back end
  5. GraphQL and Apollo Client and Apollo Server to control how the client retrieves, creates and updates data in the server
  6. Webpack as a module bundler
  7. Jest for back end GraphQL mutation testing
  8. Twilio as an API for sending and receiving incoming messages (with the optional ability to connect to Nexmo)
  9. Auth0 (auth-zero) with PassportJS as an authentication and session storing service

    Relevant Links


    Heroku One Click Deployment (with paid heroku account)

stephenscapelliti commented 5 years ago

Note that this link is 404.