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March For Our Lives Web Dev & API Integration - Rapid Response 3.24.2018 #145

Open PamelaJohn opened 6 years ago

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Rapid Response Team - DEADLINE March 24, 2018

Sam Frank @sgeofrank heads an an army of developers helping to move existing web site from Squarespace to Wordpress. The team is a bit constrained by short runway, tech and political limitations.

Before March 24, 2018

Currently coordinating macro teams. Web team is about ready to move from current Squarespace site to WP to allow more options for information flows and etc.

Priority Tasks

Optimize page layout design and workflow to:


UI/UX experts

After March 24, 2018

Huge priority shift to API integrations after the 3.24 site transfer deadline. The dev team will start spinning up a youth voter registration apparatus.



Contributions & Contact Info

If you would like to be part of this cool project, join us on ProgCode's Slack and DM @sgeofrankthistoric!