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Citizen Lobbying Platform #155

Open stephenscapelliti opened 5 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 5 years ago


The idea is to allow citizens to easily connect on a subject, organize and pressure their elected officials. for example, everyone in Philly decides to send an email on Mondays at 2PM to the mayor's office saying what they want. On the people's side, it's pretty simple to set up an automatic email. On the mayor's side, it will be hard to miss. This is just an example, the idea is to have a decentralized community, with groups acting on a local, national and international level depending on the action and subject.

In order to fund and test the tool, we decided to try it out on the subject of Marijuana Legalization, but the idea is to quickly give it to any organisation or group of citizens that would want to use it on other subjects (environment, social equality, refugee crises, anything)

The goal is to have a platform where people can put aside their differentiating points and act on things where they agree. In September we're launching a crowdfunding campaign in order to fund the development of the tool.

Two core parts:

  1. Groups that allow you to invite others to the group
  2. List of elected officials with contact information, which can be updated. Also want to include a Wikipedia-style feature where users can view updates and the information they replaced, so that users can discuss and compare data regarding the elected officials.

This project is part of a Happy Dev cell.

Who we're looking for

Describe the kinds of people who you would like to recruit for your team. Include the skills, domain knowledge and interests that will help make your project succeed.


Contact Info

Contact Maxime Senzamici in the ProgCode Slack and in the #free-the-tree-org channel

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