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Project: Dignity platform seeks Ruby dev to help us self-host #157

Open lukeflegg opened 5 years ago

lukeflegg commented 5 years ago


About Dignity platform CIC

Dignity platform is a new social venture working to transform how charity sector gets donations. Today, we're used to big charities cold calling, junk mailing, paying for-profits to stop us in the street and guilt trip or nag us for donations. We've become desensitized to the increasingly sensationalist (and very expensive) adverts depicting desperate victimised people who need to be rescued by wealthy white people on a crusade. Not every charity is so extreme, but these tactics are very common, especially with bigger charities and we want to challenge the direction this is heading, especially in the face of growing distrust in the third sector and dwindling funding from all angles.

Dignity platform is like an Airbnb for local skills, where all the money goes to charities you choose. We call it Giving by Doing; the altruistic end of the gig economy.

Imagine every day, neighbours meeting each other for the first time, volunteering useful skills and services, in return for a donation to their favourite charity or nonprofit. Money that might've been spent anyway on a haircut, bike repair, boiler service, consultancy, gardening..

Who we're looking for

We generally could benefit hugely from software dev support, but most urgently for us - it would be transformative for us if we could get help from someone familiar with Ruby, in self-hosting our marketplace we currently pay through the nose for: - not just to save costs, but so we have the freedom to customise it (add a landing page, etc)
This could be as little as a couple of days work, getting us set up self-hosted. If you have capacity and interest, you might be interested in helping us to make some of the changes to our platform that of course aren't possible with our subscription version.

Thank you!


We use Wrike for tasks, Telegram for chat and have a GitHub ready

Contact +447851054199

Relevant Links - we're paying ~£1,000pa we really don't have right now for a non-customizable subscription version of ShareTribe. We want to self-host (ideally on SiteGround who are our registrar and host) Our old website: