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Whole Washington - Healthcare Cost Savings Calculator #158

Open PamelaJohn opened 5 years ago

PamelaJohn commented 5 years ago

Project Description

ProgCode network partner Whole Washington has proposed a state-wide single payer healthcare bill SB5222 which will be on the 2019 Washington Ballot.

In 2018 @marcaaron led a team of volunteers who built an open source "healthcare cost savings calculator" for individuals and small businesses using data from Gerald Friedman's Economic Study. The calculator is integrated with the existing Whole Washington website.

Current Task

Revise the personal health assessment calculation as follows:

The current calculation under I-1600:

  1. Health Security Assessment of 8.5% payroll paid by employer
  2. A Personal Health Assessment of 1% Income Tax paid by individuals
  3. An 8.5% capital gains tax

The revised calculation under the proposed bill:

  1. Health Security Assessment of 8.5% payroll paid by employer
  2. A Personal Health Assessment for employees and for sole proprietors, as follows:
    • For employees - 2% of payroll, paid by employees (employers are ultimately responsible for collecting this and may pay all or a portion of it for the employee as an employment benefit)
    • For sole proprietors - a 2% tax on net earnings from self employment with a filing threshold of $15,000 annually (as defined by federal taxes)
  3. An 8.5% capital gains tax.

All exemptions are equal or equivalent to $15,000 - (25% of total amount subject to the tax) annually.

Who you are looking for

Someone to access and edit the existing Health Care Assessment calculations. above.


Current Tech Stack:

Contact Info

ProgCode Slack channel #ww-calculator DM @pamela or @stephen on ProgCode Slack Not a member? Join ProgCode here.

Relevant Links

Open Issue re: calculations update Whole Washington Healthcare Savings Calculator Main Repository