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CheckUpOn.Me #160

Open TheRealAlexV opened 4 years ago

TheRealAlexV commented 4 years ago

About your project

In the coming months and weeks, there are going to be a whole lot of people self quarantining alone, many of who could become very sick.

I recently received a message from a friend I know online. We play video games online with each other, that's about it though. He reached out to me because he was worried sick, and needed some reassurance. His name is Siad.

He's showing all of the symptoms of COVID-19 and has been ordered to self quarantine. He has severe asthma and is worried that he might go down hill too quickly to get himself help and was terrified at the idea of something happening to him and leaving his dog alone with no one to feed it.

So Siad asked me if I could check up on him everyday, and if I couldn't get in contact with him for more than a day to call 911 and see if I could find someone who could take care of his dog. That last part was an odd request.

Then I realized something about Siad... I didn't actually know if he had anyone to check up on him. He's an old guy who never had kids. His wife had passed away years prior. Besides myself, I don't actually know if he had anyone else to talk to.

I don't think Siad is the only person out there with no one to check in on them and most of all, I don't think anyone should be in that situation.

That's when Spoke came to mind. Spoke is an open source text-distribution tool for organizations to mobilize supporters and members into action. Spoke allows you to upload phone numbers, customize scripts and assign volunteers to communicate with supporters while allowing organizations to manage the process.

It's an application that I feel has much of the needed functionality. It also has a huge community behind it that is passionate about helping save lives in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This project is my attempt at building a tool from an existing open source solution that could potentially help thousands. If you are interested in helping in any way, please reach out!

Who you are looking for

I'm looking for people who are interested in helping me make this idea a reality. I myself have a background in Information Security, Site Reliability, and Python Development. I'm looking for anyone with the will to help, but especially people with development experience related to Spoke, Twilio, NodeJS and responsive web design.

And of course, we need people to check up on others using the app!

Funding: Initial development funding and infrastructure will be provided by AlexV.



Currently Using: Twilio - Spoke -

Considering for voice call support: Call Power - Dial Power -

Contact Info

Github: TheRealAlexV ProgCode Slack: @AlexV E-Mail: alex.vanino (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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