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Project: Browser-based Profile Picture Overlay Applicator #161

Open memson-wmg opened 2 years ago

memson-wmg commented 2 years ago

About your project

Facebook no longer offer the Frame Studio, so it is no longer possible to publish an overlay frame to Facebook and then encourage people to apply it to their profile picture.

At Women's March Global, our anniversary campaign for Jan-Mar 2022 includes people publishing a photo with their arms above their heads, crossed at the wrists, and with our overlay applied. See

This project will provide for a browser-based, client-side, tool that can be embedded into web pages on any platform (including WordPress), that will permit the user to upload an image and have a predefined overlay applied. Finally, the user will be able to download the final image. Since this is entirely client-side then the profile picture does not leave the user's computer and is not uploaded to a server thus eliminating privacy and security concerns.

A similar tool is available at

My vision is a tool that is configurable such that it can be embedded on the web site of any campaign where profile picture overlays would be a useful service.

The functionality can be described in four simple steps:

  1. Upload photo
  2. Present crop tool to create a square image from upload
  3. Apply the pre-defined overlay (upgrade: potentially choose from a number of predefined overlays)
  4. Present a download button for the composite image.

Who you are looking for

JavaScript - since the tool is entirely client-side then I'm assuming that we will need to build it in JavaScript probably using existing libraries


WordPress - the code must execute within the context of a WordPress code block or, as a WordPress Plugin.

Contact Info ProgCode Slack: @MichelleE GitHub: memson-wmg Include GitHub &/or ProgCode Slack handles, ProgCode Slack #channel &/or your email address.

Relevant Links

Example client-side overly generator:

(If this is a volunteer opportunity, it will be added to the volunteer toolkit )
Inspiration: "ISSUE_TEMPLATE", Chi Hack Night (,