ProgressiveCoders / projects

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Trump Change #19

Open chernicoff opened 7 years ago

chernicoff commented 7 years ago

About the group

Mobile app for one-touch donation to progressive groups/causes. UI super-simple—two taps to kick in a dollar. Pitch to users is "When Trump makes you mad, don't tweet—act."

Group leaders


Who we're looking for

Dammit Jim, I'm a strategist not a developer. I just want someone who can build shit and I'll do anything I can to help.



Relevant Links



This thread, I guess?

Source: "ISSUE_TEMPLATE", Chi Hack Night (,

chernicoff commented 7 years ago

Forgive me if this isn't the right place within this community to try and find folks interested in building a one-touch donation app for progressive causes. I was sent here by a friend and may not know my way around!

chernicoff commented 7 years ago


nicholasswanson commented 7 years ago

Hey @chernicoff, I'm new here too, but perhaps we can have a conversation openly in this thread?

Quick background: I've been working for and with companies to build mobile experiences for about 7 years now, as a product designer. I've worked on a few compelling, and some not so compelling, products.

I really like the idea of having a way to quickly donate to progressive causes, especially in a lightweight and curated way. As I read news or talk with friends, I find myself wanting to know the best organizations to impact that issue, and usually it's not an easy answer. So I think your idea touches on something important.

As a designer, my first reaction (to many things) is "why?". Why a mobile app? Why call out Trump specifically? There can be good answers to those, I think your perspective on these would help build out this idea for potential collaborators. A few more questions, since I am legitimately interested in this:

Hopefully this starts a deeper conversation.