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Run DNC #20

Open KamillaKhabibrakhmanova opened 7 years ago

KamillaKhabibrakhmanova commented 7 years ago

About the group

The DNC election is coming up on February 26 to decide the next DNC. It is decided not by popular vote, but by a group of electors. We want to gather the vote of the people in order to inform electors of who Democrat voters would like to see as the next DNC chair.

Group leaders

@KamillaKhabibrakhmanova @mjabraham47 @markmalazarte @MichaelBloomberg

Who we're looking for

Anyone interested in contributing to the codebase, or outreach.


Angular1, NodeJS, MongoDB/Mongoose

Relevant Links


slack channel #run-dnc

Source: "ISSUE_TEMPLATE", Chi Hack Night (,

lorenanicole commented 7 years ago

👋 interested in helping!!!!!!!!!

rapicastillo commented 7 years ago

@lorenanicole Awesome! I believe you're in their channel already! I hope it's going well.

rapicastillo commented 7 years ago

@WoobieTuesday Run DNC is looking for writers and testers for the release this week! :) I'm working with them on the Medium post to be released this week as well.

rapi-castillo commented 7 years ago

@progcodepreston is currently helping @KamillaKhabibrakhmanova and Mike in building the PR plan for Run DNC

nicholasswanson commented 7 years ago

@rapicastillo Happy to help on design + front end if needed. Submitted form earlier in the week but haven't heard back yet.

KamillaKhabibrakhmanova commented 7 years ago

hey @nicholasswanson how are you with d3? We really want to add some better data visualisation after the first release. We're planning our beta launch tomorrow or day after but will keep you updated if we need some front-end/design help after!

nicholasswanson commented 7 years ago

@KamillaKhabibrakhmanova I'm loosely familiar, depends on what you are looking to update. I'm definitely more on the design/HTML/CSS side, but happy to contribute however I can.

progcodepreston commented 7 years ago

Does this team have their own slack or just the channel on the progcode slack?

KamillaKhabibrakhmanova commented 7 years ago

@nicholasswanson @lorenanicole we've got our site live now: I've also started keeping track of issues in the github repo above. Please take a look, open up any issues for what you think could be added or improved in the next week or so, and leave comments for anything that you'd like me to work on. Contact me on the progcode slack for development keys :)

@progcodepreston we're just using the channel on progcode slack