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Left Forum is looking for people with knowledge of Drupal 7 to help us with their site. Please contact @rapi if interested #41

Open rapi-castillo opened 7 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 7 years ago

Left Forum ( needs a lead tech for its website project. We need someone who can assist in or even lead web operations (Drupal 7) including website configuration, displays (views), reports/exports, and content production

BACKGROUND AND DESIRED EXPERIENCE: • Knowledge of Drupal 7, CSS, HTML • Experience with open source applications is a plus • Strong organizational skills • Familiarity with grassroots organizing and social justice is a plus

Our tech left just after we upgraded to Drupal 7, and we cannot proceed without a new tech.

ALTERNATIVE: Our alternative is to remake the website using WordPress. Accordingly, if you have WordPress skills and are interested in assisting Left Forum, then please contact me by a direct message or post a response in our #left-forum channel.