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Indivisible Map #49

Closed rapi-castillo closed 7 years ago

rapi-castillo commented 7 years ago

Hey all, we are currently working with the #indivisible group and helping them on their engagement tools, right now it's the map of all of their events and groups. Please join us in #indivisible channel. There are two things that need to be cleared, first is the map interface – which is done-ish already (just have to re-skin / recolor ), but I think we need to use google maps API instead of the mapbox map.

:point_up: D3 / jQuery / leaflet.js

Second is the data ETL, there are multiple data sources of the events, and we want to compress it to gz and cache it from an ActionNetwork API which uses OSDI there's 5000events & 3000 groups so far, and this is quite a request because they want to have it done by Wednesday so that they can help groups organize when congress goes back to their home states and engage with them on their offices + townhalls. The ETL has to be done hourly because there's just a continuous flow of events

:point_up: Heroku / python / AWS-cloudfront