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National Voter File is looking for Data Stewards #54

Open rapi-castillo opened 7 years ago

rapi-castillo commented 7 years ago

About the group

National Voter File is looking for Data Stewards

From the Team

Hi all! we’re working on #national-voter-file and are looking to collect voter files from these states next. please dm me if you live in any of these and want to democratize our democracy.

you’ll have to request the voter data from your elections office, prepay for it, it’ll be electronic or mailed to you, and then send it to me via dropbox! should take just 10 minutes. happy to provide you more detailed instructions for your state over DM.

• alaska for $20
• arkansas for $2.50
• california for $30
• dc for $2
• idaho for $20
• mass for FREE
• minnesota for $51
• new jersey for $2.55
• wyoming for FREE


Contact @sahil for more information

Source: "ISSUE_TEMPLATE", Chi Hack Night (,

slavingia commented 7 years ago

You can contact @sahil (me!) at - or by DMing me at on Twitter.