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The Resistance Calendar #56

Open InciteDemocracy opened 7 years ago

InciteDemocracy commented 7 years ago


About the Calendar

The Resistance Calendar aims to empower progressive activists by providing a massive central listing of upcoming events. Its initial prototype launched in early February and got half a million visitors and thousands of event submissions in the first few days. We are gathering a team to build a more robust and fully featured version from scratch that can handle the demand for this powerful tool for social change.

Group leaders

@devin in prog_code slack @incitedemocracy on twitter

Your name here

Who we're looking for

Additional Project Organizers, UX Visionaries, Backend, (node or rails) API, React, Redis, Maps, CSS (so basically everything!)

Relevant Links


resistance-calendar (in progcode slack) #(devin)

Existing process:

a) submitted events come in as marked up Trello cards b) events are sorted and checked manually by volunteer sorters c) Sorters submit legit events to curator Slack + also add events to the RC FB events page e) Curators manually send events to Tockify via a form. (3 MINS!!!!!) d) Editors approve events publishing them to the site


HELP WITH PROJECT MANAGEMENT Michael Moore wants to promote the heck out of this but we can't handle the traffic/submissions in our current state. We got 500K visitors in the two days that we did experiment promoting it, and had to shut him up. In it's current state searching and filtering is also very limited. The user experience is problematic. Tockify is clearly a very short term solution. We want to migrate asap and we need all the help we can get to make it happen quickly/smoothly.

BACKEND DESIGN We need a backend! (tockify has no API) So far the best options seem to be Node, or Rails

UX DESIGN 75% of our traffic is mobile. We want to start with A simple interface with a strong set of event filters by date, attendance, Location (proximity to user) and event type etc. Later adding Maps and nearby event notifications, API connections to indivisible, our revolution, eventbrite, meetup etc action network, move on etc.

watzkej commented 7 years ago

I'd be happy to help with this. I'm an API and Backend person with some experience with Heroku.

pdw207 commented 7 years ago

@watzkej One idea it to have a node server caching the facebook graph api requests and a react app build on the frontend. We could also build a API that has some background process that update events every 5 minutes.

jktravis commented 7 years ago

Sounds interesting.

watzkej commented 7 years ago

@pdw207 Sounds good. I should be able to easily get the Facebook Feed bit running on a Heroku node with MongoDB. As soon as I get my ProgCode Slack access, I'll jump in and we can discuss details.

pdw207 commented 7 years ago

@watzkej Sounds good. Is there a repo setup yet this background service? How can I get access?

InciteDemocracy commented 7 years ago

Looking forward to collaborating with you both!

aaghevli commented 7 years ago

Hah! Not knowing the thread being discussed here, over the weekend I got started on a node server that makes facebook graph api requests and returns them in OSDI events format.

I can push my branch somewhere tonight if people are interested in it, or we can discuss in slack channel. cc/ @pdw207 and @watzkej