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Elections Database/API/Site #76

Open alexlitel opened 7 years ago

alexlitel commented 7 years ago

Project Idea

An API/database and site with the goal of offering a few data points (location/election date/deadlines for candidacy and registration) about every non-special district election in the United States. Current centralized online election information/tech infrastructure is biased towards larger state/federal races, reinforcing an unfortunate narrative that local races are unimportant. In the 2016 election, there was some pretty decent utilization of tech systems w/r/t notifications/alerts/whatever reminding people to goto the polls. I think those nudges should appear during every relevant election. With hundreds of elections that happening each year, it's a bit of work, but I think collecting a few data points is doable with crowdsourcing and some clever web scraping/API usage. (Information would have to be vetted obviously.) Open to possibility of partnering with existing organization here.

Who we're looking for

Developers of all kinds (frontend/backend), UX, and volunteers for vetting information.

Relevant Links

A rough JSON dataset of 700ish elections for the year using info scraped from Ballotpedia

eddyizm commented 5 years ago

Seems like a vital part of data.