From Project-Aurora created by GarzoxShaw: Mike-SPP/Project-Aurora#208
In this dungeon, you have to defeat Wise Mari, Lorewalker and Liu to get access at the last boss Sha of doubt
Two problem here, i accepted the quest of the dungeon because i wanted the armor part but Lorewalker don't want to count for the quest, but also for the dungeon itself, the door of the next boss don't open
This double issue make me unable to complete the dungeon and the quest
From Project-Aurora created by GarzoxShaw: Mike-SPP/Project-Aurora#208
In this dungeon, you have to defeat Wise Mari, Lorewalker and Liu to get access at the last boss Sha of doubt Two problem here, i accepted the quest of the dungeon because i wanted the armor part but Lorewalker don't want to count for the quest, but also for the dungeon itself, the door of the next boss don't open This double issue make me unable to complete the dungeon and the quest