Project-Blunder / TheGame

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Music stutters on neko, weird on Windows. #10

Open sruloart opened 10 years ago

sruloart commented 10 years ago

Possibly something about the need to load it first before you play it....

NicoM1 commented 10 years ago

idk anything about this, I'd ask gama11

sruloart commented 10 years ago

It's more of an Openfl issue issue, but people have found ways around it, just need to do some research / optimizations...

NicoM1 commented 10 years ago

ok I'm sure we'll figure it out, music isnt really my area....

sruloart commented 10 years ago

Weird also on html5, the solution, probably, is to load the assets with the game and not with the states, but we'll leave it to when we'll actually have sfx and music...

NicoM1 commented 10 years ago

yeah, music is not really my concern, I cant make it, and am bad at choseing it, so I hope you know your stuff:D

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

music seems fully gone, leaving that to you....

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

nevermind I had muted it, i doubles up from the menu now, actually sounds kind of cool, I'll leave it for now so you can see:)

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

just survived 15 rounds with the doubled up music.....I actually enjoyed it.....quite a lot.....(the music)

bugs I noticed:

sruloart commented 9 years ago
NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I think maybe I had good timing with the music (or bad taste;)) did realize I wasn't even kill ing the zombies, so their update still ran, trying that first before desroying them completely, it could also just be garbage build up, which I never know what to do about, and is even weirder to deal with in scripts...

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

nevermind kill was not what I wanted

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

odd: spawned 200 zombies and it dropped to 20fps, and went in slow motion? everything moves with elapsed? I'm confused? also determined update takes ~2x as much time as draw, probably because everything is scripts....

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

gonna see if destroy ing the scripts when the zombie dies helps

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

60fps with 250 corpses:D although it was slow as can be killing them all (I really did do it all, god mode, but still took forever, and ran ~15fps)

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

one health bug (i think the only one) everytime you were restored to full health the health increase speed went down...(only for visuals, your health itself was normal)

sruloart commented 9 years ago
NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

well who is ever going to have 200 zombies? I think in practice its all good, just noticed something though, didnt it use to have a big camera deadzone? now the camera moves with the player?

sruloart commented 9 years ago
NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

no guns for this, and scripts are just too slow I think, maybe next game:) and the camera feels different now, you used to have to go to the edges to move it....

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

last gif that showed it:

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

before menus!!! what changed?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

somehow it wasnt defaulting anymore, because I nulled the default somehow I guess, so I updated IceE so I can use followstyle in scripts and set it back to platformer, jumps feel much better again, they had lost the sense of movement

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Scripts are a ton of work. And nothing's stopping me from ADDING a secret gun mode. WHAT? WHAT SECRET GUN MODE?! I CERTAINLY DIDN'T JUST REVEAL MY EVIL PLAN, OH NO SIR.


NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

you go ahead but it better be well hidden, ps. SHIFT+G+M is god-mode, but you have to press M last;)

sruloart commented 9 years ago


NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

......I made it?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

also GA appears to be skrewing up and I dont think its me?

sruloart commented 9 years ago

wat to all of the above. I was trying to be funny. Did you actually create gun-mode?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

God-mode, not gun mode;) just makes your health not go down

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

and analytics arent working in real time is the other weird thing, but I havent changed that code sooooo

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Spooky. And I was getting all worked up :(

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

hey god mode can still be fun

sruloart commented 9 years ago

And let the zombies eat me forever? who am I, Prometheus? You're helping the zombies.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

true true.,....ugg I need to work on the dog but I have a mental block where I have to animate its attack first and I cant do it....I just cant

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Leave the dog out for the moment, you can make an idle animation for the player (he doesn't seem to breath), and the retry monument looks a bit like a hairy leg :) Also, instead of a dog you can add a flying enemy, like a bat or something :)

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I HATE that monument, but idk how to show enough lines...I guess 40 is overkill though, maybe 35, and maybe bat but how do you hit it?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

better? waves png - aseprite v0 9 5_2014-09-29_16-14-26

sruloart commented 9 years ago


NicoM1 commented 9 years ago


NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

people may be able to go past tho....maybe if that ever happens I'll add a second monument

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

woah dude I'm really liking what your doing with the sound (I know it doesnt have music, I just mean the ambients) do you have rights to all this? one thing though:

sruloart commented 9 years ago
NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

ok fixed your nulls, (death screen is separate, Jump.mp3 not jump.mp3) one thing about that before I move on: are you not getting good errors for those nulls? because it pretty much exactly tells me where they are, I build release do you do debug?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

annnndd added the footsteps, I just loop the sound constantly and mute it if not moving

sruloart commented 9 years ago
sruloart commented 9 years ago

Also, the steps will require a different sound, as I didn't intended it to be played like that, so if you listen there's an annoying background noise that starts with every time you start walking. bahh

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

hmmmm on github the old jump is still there:

sruloart commented 9 years ago

It's not the old one, it's the new one, but for some reason it kept the old Jump name instead of jump :l It also doesn't mind that I have the file with a supposedly different name in my folder right now (ever since I've changed it yesterday) , so I'm guessing comparison is not case-sensitive? 3bztheme.mp3 was deleted either case...

Anyhow I'm removing the steps and using the jump.mp3 instead. Should work pretty well. Also, I'm lowering the volume of all the jumps (including the ones that aren't jumps) to make them sound a little more natural. Growling continues to elude me but I'm getting there. Some form of music is next on my list, but I'm not too sure about the style - very moody pipe-organ style, or half moody half upbeat style (i.e, like the previous example)?

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Also, noticed the player doesn't breath while on the menu :)

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

Maybe source trees skrewing up? Because I don't have the new jump...and the breathing is a bug I noticed, no idea why

On 2014-10-02, at 7:24 AM, Sruloart wrote:

Also, noticed the player doesn't breath while on the menu :)

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