Project-Blunder / TheGame

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Some new bugs: The new menus #23

Closed sruloart closed 9 years ago

sruloart commented 9 years ago

It's two bugs basically:

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

for one, flash is broken because of using kongregate, because I cant use conditionals in scripts, I'll try and figure a way around sometime, but for now since its gonna be released as a flash game I'm focusing on that

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

ok attack bug was just because it tried to loop through enemies when there were none

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

and camera bug was because it only panned while you were touching the monuments

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Roger. Currently my attempts to make a perfect loop are failing, thus I'll be force to create a long track, but that will make the game bigger, something that I try to avoid (bigger games = less flash players, unless you're Kingdom Rush that is).

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I forget that I cant rely on init() being the same as new(), objects can change there state after I think I change it from somewhere else

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

hmm ok, we'll have to think about that, hopefully its not too big

sruloart commented 9 years ago

If we don't include the .ogg files (and we don't) then it should be reasonably sized. having dce -no doesn't help minimizing the file size, but that's no biggie. Lot's of room for improvement. A good size will be anything under 5MB.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

also I tried to put in GA yesterday but I'm not seeing anything yet, although I remember it taking a while with my site

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

the dce is annoying, I think I know a way aaround though

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

or maybe it got fixed, works fine without:D

sruloart commented 9 years ago
NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

sounds good:) (theoretically, havent heard it;)) trying linking the game to my website tracking to see if it goes faster (and uses a real domain, not

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

and it works!! had to go to real-time for it to show up

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

added you too the GA, you should get an email, sorry that it mixes in my website data, but all we need to watch is events so it doesnt really matter

sruloart commented 9 years ago

That's pretty cool :) I think Kongregate has a beta-testing kind of upload, so that will be the next step right after implementing a dead zombies score + wave number visual cues for the player + dogs + sounds/music, so the game is nearly ready to be tested :D

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I have one person testing it from my personal website, didnt know about betas:) thoughts for waves:

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Minimalist to the soul so I see.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

when it fits, also I'm really bad at text at this resolution;) (or pretty much any res, suck at text)

sruloart commented 9 years ago

So, no score either?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I think that waves should be the only displayed score, and then zombies killed you can see through kongregate

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

also I added a round time to the game over GA event, unfortunately I cant think of a way to get the entire time the player plays the game (when to submit?)

sruloart commented 9 years ago

When the player dies.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

no, thats what I have, thats the round time, I mean the complete time spent in the game

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

sorry that may have not made sense, I already did the round time, its the total time I cant do

sruloart commented 9 years ago

No, what I mean is have another timer, that starts when the game starts, and ends when the player dies.

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Or maybe I'm mis-reading you?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

yeah, thats what I have, not an idividual wave timer, I meant it would be cool to have one that counts every retry (once theyre in)

sruloart commented 9 years ago

How do you get to retry BTW? when you die the game restarts? just add the times sent in one session (he died 4 times: 1:23 + 3:31 + 5:01 + 1:22 = sum total time played, it doesn't count rage quits but that's pretty accurate).

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

no but you still dont know when to send it, because you cant know when he quits the game

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

and the retry is just another screen the camera pans up to (looks the same as start but shows your waves)

sruloart commented 9 years ago

I mean, send every death + time played, and calculate the entire session time by yourself with whatever data you already have.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

I dont think GA separates the events by user but maybe it does

sruloart commented 9 years ago

That's not that critical info, IMHO, the waves is the big deal here. I suspect there's a very clear max number of waves you can play without dying having such a fixed type of gameplay (number of zombies * amount of hits to kill one - number of hits a player can actually make > 0).

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

yeah, but you can last a bit longer with some good jumping:)

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

having serious issues getting the camera to pan up in the play scene:/

sruloart commented 9 years ago

Too bad, it's a pretty nice transition. Pan it sideways.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

sorry whats the word?

sruloart commented 9 years ago

the bird?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

lol no for panning up

sruloart commented 9 years ago

pannup. Seems legit.

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

definitely, really getting annoyed with this not working!!!!

sruloart commented 9 years ago

You're using scroll?

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

yeah, but its something to do with that fact that the camera was already following the player and the bounds was tweaked, tried a bunch of stuff. separately: changed the game over events to separate pieces, that way we can see stuff like: 8 players got to wave 13, without checking ourselves

sruloart commented 9 years ago

A good way to monitor rage quits. This is actually how games rebalance their difficulty at beta-testing (if 8 players got to wave 13, that means it's too difficult, better add something to help them through it, and repeat, though hopefully it's not going to be a giant issue here, since everything is pretty balanced already).

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

yeah, nrrrrg this is annoying

NicoM1 commented 9 years ago

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK BEJESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY