Project-Bonfire / Bonfire_legacy

A Fault Tolerant NoC Architecture
GNU General Public License v3.0
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TODOs in FIFO_one_hot_credit_based_packet_drop_flit_saving #21

Open AlexDaniel opened 7 years ago

AlexDaniel commented 7 years ago

Some good ones here:

104:    credit_in <= '0'; -- Is this actually credit_out from the router module ?
111:        credit_in <= '1'; -- Is this actually credit_out from the router module ?
126:    xor_all <= '0'; -- Is this correct ? This means parity is zero. Or does it mean we don't care about parity in this case ? 
175:                     -- Is this the place where we do the saving for packet drop ?
242:                              state_in <= state_out; -- We can also write (state_in <= Body_flit) ?? As the state is not changed.
285:                          -- what is this case ??
286:                          -- we should not be here ??
320:                    -- flit is dropped ?? Previous values of FIFO slots are re-written
334:                  -- previous values of FIFO slots are re-written (flit is dropped ??)