Project-Bonfire / Bonfire_legacy

A Fault Tolerant NoC Architecture
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Naming of signals and ports #25

Open AlexDaniel opened 7 years ago

AlexDaniel commented 7 years ago

Currently in many places there are lines like this (whether it's in Verilog or in VHDL does not really matter):

     (.reset(reset), .clk(clk), .RX(RX_L), .valid_in(valid_in_L), .read_en_N(Grant_NL), .read_en_E(Grant_EL), .read_en_W(Grant_WL), .read_en_S(Grant_SL), .read_en_L('0)',.credit_out(credit_out_L), .empty_out(empty_L), .Data_out(FIFO_D_out_L));

I think given enough thought put into naming of signals and ports, many of such lines can be replaced with .* syntax in verilog (which basically connects all ports to signals that have the same name, but for that they have to have identical names of course). In case .* feels too obscure, still it is possible to omit signal names, like: (.reset, .clk, …) (if I'm not mistaken…).

From the design perspective, having names that are identical on both sides will add more clarity and prevent possible errors (to illustrate, you can think about MISO↔MISO and MOSI↔MOSI in SPI vs TX↔RX RX↔TX in UART).