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Searing Totem #2591

Open kaytotes opened 4 months ago

kaytotes commented 4 months ago

Spell ID's: 3599, 6363, 6365

Automatically attacks everythign around + doesnt target your current target as it should

Searing Totem Rank 2 doesn't do anything. Rank 1 works fine. Haven't learned rank 3 yet.

Does not attack enemies

Searing totem doesn't attack ennemies.

Rank 2 Searing totem does not work.

Really has trouble targeting enemies.

rank 2 appears not to be dealing any damage, rank 1 works as should

Rank 2 is not targeting and casting mobs while rank 1 works

Spell stopped working yesterday. It doesn't target or shoot anything anymore

In Stonesplinter valley atm (above level) and rank 1 attacks the nearby enemies, rank 2 does not.

Searing Totem Rank 2 does nothing. Searing Totem Rank 1 works fine, but Searing Totem Rank 2 just spawns and then doesn't attack anything

Does not focus/fire at the target.

This rank of searing totem doesnt attak, rank one does

Rank 2 of Searing Totem does not work. It does not attack anything ever.

This totem still isn't "snapshotting" its damage as it's supposed to.

Totem timers 3.3.5 doesnt work with Totem bar properly

zana244 commented 3 months ago

Searing Totem Rank 2 does indeed not work -- the totem does nothing. Not sure about the targeting behaviour, it seemed fine to me, maybe a more knowledgeable shaman player can figure out target focusing. Later edit on snapshotting: Indeed, the totem does not snapshot its damage... if you equip a SP weapon after you cast the totem its damage gets increased, and if you remove it its damage gets increased. Think in this era of the game it should snapshot (maybe ask Hatson for confirmation). On a naked shaman + Lok'Amir (84 sp), it seems like only searing totems past rank 4 (inclusive) get any added damage, rank 1/2/3 do not have increased damage from SP... unsure if bug or massive downranking penalty.