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Arcane Concentration #2692

Open kaytotes opened 4 months ago

kaytotes commented 4 months ago

Spell ID's: 12577

Clearcasting feels very broken. If you have 3-4 mobs, if will pop every second since its 10% chance for every damage tick on every mob. So you can basically cast Blizzard non-stop for free.

when i use fireball it seems to proc really often but when i spam only scorch then i get like 2 procs before i go oom and that just seems suspicious because there are mor casts so there should be more procs in general

Shadownflame commented 3 months ago

Mage Clearcasting (12536) seems to have severe issues:

1) Blizzard should only have 10% chance on each tick to proc Clearcasting regardless of how many targets are hit (must hit minimum 1 though). Currently the chance scales with target count, giving an almost guaranteed proc on every tick when the mage is AOE farming. 2) Something is bugging out the proc entirely for fire mage, I went for nearly 4 minutes (200+ casts) without a single proc after receiving 1 proc on the first cast. This is beyond RNG bad luck and I'll need to do more tests to identify the culprit. 3) If the proc occurs while you're already casting a spell (needs spells with travel time to reproduce like Frostbolt or Fireball), the finishing cast consumes the proc ,but doesn't get the mana reduction. This is a critical issue for fire/frost builds which spam abilities with travel time as they don't get the benefit from almost any of their procs.