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Aspect of the Pack #2701

Open kaytotes opened 6 months ago

kaytotes commented 6 months ago

Spell ID's: 13159

only lasts 5 seconds, that should be a active/passive.

This tooltip does not say the spell only lasts a few seconds. also is this even intended?

Cooldown too long

tool tip does not indicate it is a short duration

5min cd bug

This spell has a cooldown and isnt like the othe aspect spells

i dont think it should be 5 min cd lol

since it only lasts 8seconds, it shouldn't remove/switch other aspects for QoL

5 min cooldown and works only 8 sec.

You can disable it by pressing it again after using.

I was spamming and whoop gone.

Would be cool if it functioned like bubble or some other aura-type spell

Shows no cooldown

zana244 commented 4 months ago

Confirmed on internal, lasts 8 sec, but tooltip does not mention it. It also removes the other aspects, which is arguably a bit bad design... would heavily recommend that you do not remove other aspects for pack CD.

Shadownflame commented 1 week ago

I recall this is some deliberate custom change, need tooltips corrected...the feedback about dispelling other aspects is also valid, aspects are auras and not cooldowns, it's not the best design in its current shape. Dev choice of course.