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Its fine and dandy that you guys say that we need to read quest ... #5826

Open kaytotes opened 4 months ago

kaytotes commented 4 months ago

Its fine and dandy that you guys say that we need to read quest text.

But a quest like scouts honor needs more information to be able to do. im running around noxious lair, but i dont see anything related to that quest. and as it has a giant lower elevation, more info would be nice

.go xyz -8019.480000 -2511.240000 8.420040 1 5.988560

Shadownflame commented 1 month ago

Ok I have to agree, this quest is just designed wrong. Every word of the quest text suggests Shadowdancer and her party are somewhere in danger at the noxious lair. Players will be looking everywhere around between the bugs, down the hives, etc., because you think you are going for a rescue mission. You will find every member of the scouting party lying around incapacitated, and you have the option to rescue one stuck deep in the Hive via an escort quest, which all checks out. But you won't find Shadowdancer. Her title of a scout and her rogueish name both suggests she will be likely in hiding, so you look in every corner, but she is nowhere, because this stupid troll is just sitting in a safe hut outside the noxious lair area, "overseeing" the place where her party's unconscious corpses are scattered. What kind of shameless troll "leading a scouting party" would be sitting in a cozy post outside the fray while her comrades are being eaten by bugs? This quest isn't missing information, it's missing common sense. Move her down to the bugs in the actual lair where the rest of her group is. Lining up the other scout bodies to lead to her would be a valid choice too. Her current position is senseless and disappointing and doesn't live up to her name. Shadowdancer my ass, lazy tea sipper.

Alternatively, reword the quest text to send players to locate a scout "outside" the noxious lair. Maybe remove all the doomsday pep talk about how she is in grave danger.