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Pet Transport Movement #8164

Open kaytotes opened 4 months ago

kaytotes commented 4 months ago

My pet won't follow me onto the boat, the gap is too large or something. it runs back to the coast/land and despawns because of range.

.go xyz -4557.100000 2438.870000 5.010920 1 4.701500

kaytotes commented 4 months ago

This is a general issue with pets not being able to walk on to transports.

Shadownflame commented 1 month ago

There are some major improvements here.

I will leave this open in hope of more improvements, resummoning the pet after every transport is terribly annoying for traveling warlocks!

Shadownflame commented 1 month ago

Pets now resummon after teleport on the Southshore miniboat. Yay! No change on other transport.