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Hunter Pet Wasp Concerns #8354

Open Shadownflame opened 3 months ago

Shadownflame commented 3 months ago

New pet wasps have a couple of features which may require revision.

1) Wasp color snapshots the tamed creature's color, but changes on the first reload to a random color. Will not change color afterwards, leaving you with a random color you did not choose and cannot change. As per Eredun, this could be either completely randomized (every wasp changes color every time you hearth/relog/etc), or one color could be tied to each wasp which is retained when taming and is permanent. Dev choice. 2) Color shown while stabled does not match actual color. Can get confusing if you have multiple wasps stabled. Minor issue. 3) Pet wasps can still fly. Immensely cool feature but probably not very balanced. 4) I understand the wotlk ability "Smack" does not exist on TBC setting, but neither did wasp pets. If wasps are now a thing, they should have their proper primary attack, which is Smack, a more claw-like ability. This is not only stronger than Bite, allowing wasps to be used in raid settings, but also thematically more fitting: while wasps have the ability to bite, they use it to feed or position, not attack.

kaytotes commented 2 weeks ago

I only care about number 3.