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Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Emerged From a Biological Laboratory in Wuhan, China
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Shi Zheng Li's talk #12

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

this is a talk Shi Zhengli (batwoman, head researcher at the lab) gave in June 2018. not sure what it can be used to substantiate but it is indeed very interesting to see how they present what they are researching. Unfortunately it has hard subs and I couldn't find any transcription.


youtube does have autotranslate for auto cc. Can try that. All the main scientific proof is in papers with her name as author. Sadly UNC was also involved in training her. That 2015 paper points right at SARS-COV-2 basically.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I have actually found the original yt upload which has chinese subs, grabbed the transcript and autotranslated:

The handmade subs in the other version are obviously better, I've asked the uploader if he has them


Thanks! There already seems to be enough proof on this project and to convince any intelligent Western adult that there is an EXTREMELY high probability that SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 leaked from a wuhan lab.

Focusing on spreading the links to these projects by posting on twitter and commenting on relevant youtube videos would be a great way to boost public understanding right now. If can do that, thanks in advance!

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 11:11 PM David Fregoli wrote:

I have actually found the original yt upload which has chinese subs, grabbed the transcript and autotranslated:

The handmade subs in the other version are obviously better, I've asked the uploader if he has them

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f-pound commented 4 years ago

Another key piece of evidence from the talk: Added national archive link

Apparently and this can be confirmed from photos, the handling of bats is very haphazard. The Chinese scientists believe there is very little risk of acquiring any sickness from bats in the wild. They go with out gloves and masks on occasion. Only wearing masks because of the dust in the caves and not for fear of a virus. What this tells me is that only within the research labs are there concerns. Why are their concerns? Becuase they are taking bat viruses (which they aren't worried about) and building chimeric viruses with protiens able to bind to the ACEII receptors. Presumably are doing this in BSL4 labs...not because of the wild animals they brought in...but because of what they are doing to them.

In the morning, we have to go to the bat cave To pick up its feces This is a non-invasive one we take Is that we don't have to catch bats Just below this hole Just pick up its feces for virus detection. Everyone will say Why are you wearing so many clothes in this photo? Is it scary Some decorations like biochemical weapons I can actually tell everyone Although bats carry many viruses But the chance of it directly infecting people is actually very small Only when Will we increase our protection Generally speaking, there are too many bats in this hole When you go in there is a lot of dust After we inhale the lungs, it will be uncomfortable So we will add some protection most of the time We just take some simple protection

f-pound commented 4 years ago

Photos of researchers recovering bats from caves. Note the careless amount of protection. Only careless if there is a risk of getting a virus. .

f-pound commented 4 years ago

Translation -- Apologies if you all have already been through this. Thought the photos were telling.

Shi Zhengli's research team is processing samples. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  The natural host of SARS-like coronaviruses is the head bat. Photo courtesy of Researcher Zhang Libiao, Guangdong Institute of Entomology

  SARS coronavirus particles under an electron microscope. Photo courtesy of Dr. Yang Xinglou, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Shi Zhengli's research team is working in the field. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  The gene sequence information of 15 strains of bat SARS-like coronavirus was input into the bioinformatics derivation software. These gene sequences are similar in some regions and different in some regions.

  The software started to run, and Hu Ben, an assistant researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, sat alone in front of the computer in the laboratory and waited. A few minutes later, a series of high and low lines appeared on the computer screen.

  These lines mean that the genome sequence of some of the 15 viruses after a series of recombinations is highly consistent with the SARS virus that has caused the "atypical pneumonia" epidemic.

  These 15 strains of virus are all from a bat cave in Yunnan, China.

  The moment he saw the result, Hu Ben was calm. He and the research team, after performing genome amplification on these viruses and getting the sequencing results, had already speculated on the current derivation results. At the subsequent group meeting, Hu Ben reported the software derivation results to the research team leader Shi Zhengli.

  On November 30, 2017, the research group's paper on the inference of the origin of SARS coronavirus was published online in "PLOS Pathogens". On December 1, the "Nature" magazine news column reported on this paper.

  "We have revealed the possible recombination origin of the SARS coronavirus." Hu Ben told the China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter.

  The bat is the natural host of the coronavirus, and the civet cat has not been wronged

  Fifteen years later, Hu Ben still remembers that in 2003, when he was in the third year of high school, the summer in Wuhan was extremely hot, but people were wearing thick masks when going out.

  "Ordinary masks are not very useful, and they are a psychological comfort." Hu Ben smiled helplessly as he recalled.

  To this day, the word "SARS" still shocks people who have experienced it.

  In the impression of Yao Tienan, director of the Public Division of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, the SARS virus was simply a "coming and going".

  It appeared quietly in the winter of 2002 and broke out in the spring of 2003, "it is highly contagious, spreads quickly, and has a high mortality rate." With the flow of infected persons, it has spread to all parts of the country and even the world, and 24 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in mainland China have reported cases of SARS.

  For the first time in history, the World Health Organization has issued global travel recommendations to allow people to travel cautiously. This disease is named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The epidemic lasted 8 months, swept 26 countries, infected 8096 people and killed 774 people. Among them, China reported 7429 cases and 685 deaths. Since then, SARS has almost disappeared, and there have been no major outbreaks.

  "In the beginning we didn't know what the pathogen was." Hu Ben said.

  In the laboratory, scientists are busy. Soon, a virus was isolated from the patient. It looks like a crown with many regularly arranged protrusions on the surface. After genetic sequencing, the researchers discovered that this is a "new coronavirus we have never known." Where did it come from? Civet became the chief "suspect".

  In Guangdong, a large game-consuming province, the initial cases include chefs who have processed game and wild animal market vendors. Before the outbreak of SARS, they often contacted civet cats.

  Soon, researchers detected SARS coronavirus from the civet cat on the wild animal market, "the identity of the entire genome sequence of SARS virus popular in the population reached 99.8%, and the two are highly related." The researchers confirmed that civets are indeed the direct source of spreading the SARS virus to humans.

  "However, the direct source does not mean the fundamental source." Hu Ben explained to the China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter that the most important thing to find the fundamental source of a virus is to find its natural host.

  According to Hu Ben, viruses are also living things. Their purpose is not to kill all hosts, but to "survive". There are some hosts that can carry a certain type of virus in the body for a long time, but will not get sick or even die, but coexist with the virus in harmony. In the entire population, there is a certain natural infection rate of the same virus. Such hosts are biologically called natural hosts, they are like "reservoirs" of viruses.

  A series of animal experiments have proved that SARS coronavirus, which is deadly to humans, can also make civet cats sick. On the other hand, the results of a wide-ranging epidemiological survey of wild civet cats and farmed civet cats also showed that they were not infected with SARS virus. The civet cat is only an intermediate host.

  In 2004, Shi Zhengli, a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhang Shuyi, who was still working at the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, embarked on a journey to trace the source of the SARS coronavirus. In the 1990s, there were two types of viral infectious diseases common to humans and animals, which broke out in Australia and Southeast Asia, and the fundamental source was from the same animal-bat.

  "One is from bats to pigs and then to humans. The other intermediate host is horses. This presents a possibility to the research team that traces the traceability of the SARS virus. Will the source of SARS also be a bat." Hu Ben said.

  For virus researchers, bats have a special status.

  Their scientific name is Pterodactyla. Among mammals, it is the second largest group after rodents. Its species account for 20% of the mammal species and are widely distributed throughout the world. Ju-headed bat is one of the common bat species in China. It eats insects and has an average life span of 25 years.

  Bats are also natural hosts for many viruses, including Ebola virus, Marburg virus, rabies virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, etc. Because bats have a special immune system, they rarely carry diseases when carrying viruses. In the long course of evolution, bats have become natural hosts of hundreds of viruses.

  Researchers began to trace the source of SARS coronavirus among bat populations. Researchers Shi Zhengli and Zhang Shuyi led a joint research team to collect anal, pharyngeal and blood samples of 408 bats in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei and Tianjin.

  In the laboratory, researchers conducted antibody and nucleic acid tests on these samples. They detected SARS coronavirus antibodies in the ant colony. "Heteromorphic coronavirus nucleic acids similar to SARS virus" have been detected in rhinoceros in different regions. There is also a strain of bat coronavirus in the sample. The full-length genome sequencing proves that it has 92% genome sequence similarity with SARS coronavirus capable of infecting humans and civet cats.

  In 2005, the discovery was published in the journal Science. "Bats are the natural host of a group of coronaviruses related to SARS coronaviruses. These viruses are called SARS-like coronaviruses. The viruses that cause SARS outbreaks are also members of this coronavirus family." The paper wrote.

  "The civet cat is a direct source of human infection with the SARS virus. As an intermediate host, it is not wronged. Facts have also proved that removing the civet cat from the wild animal market has indeed played a role in containing the epidemic. But when it comes to the root cause, as Natural host bats are more likely. This paper by Teacher Shi is the first milestone in our research on the traceability of SARS coronavirus. "Hu Ben said.

  The first live virus of bat SARS-like coronavirus was isolated

  Confirming that bats are the natural host of SARS-like coronaviruses, the journey of tracing the source has just begun.

  Although the genome structure is similar, in a key gene, the bat SARS-like coronavirus discovered by the research team at that time was very different from the SARS virus infecting humans and civet cats. This key gene is called the spike protein gene, also known as the "S gene".

  "The S protein of the coronavirus is responsible for the binding of the virus to the receptor on the surface of the cell. After the receptor binds, the virus can invade the cell and establish an infection. The binding of the virus to the receptor is specific, and the S gene is different. The same. It ’s like what key is matched with what lock. If you ca n’t find a usable receptor, the virus ca n’t infect the cell. So, the S gene can infect the coronavirus which cells, the host, and the pathogenicity. Has an important decision. "Hu Ben said," The S gene is too different. These SARS-like coronaviruses may not be able to infect people or civets like the SARS virus. "

  In addition to the S gene, there are several accessory genes, which are not completely consistent. This shows that there is a big gap between the previously discovered virus and the direct ancestor of SARS virus, and it is impossible to confirm that the source of the virus that caused the SARS outbreak must be a bat.

  In order to find more evidence, the research team continued to study the journey on the wild country ridges in southwestern China, southern China, northern China, and central China, the farthest to Medog, Tibet, and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. Team member Luo Dongsheng has just joined the sampling team in the past two years. He recalled that once he climbed several hills in the afternoon and drilled 7 bat holes. Encountered a very low opening, had to crawl forward.

  Sometimes, the bat cave is on a hill not far away, the straight line distance is only tens of meters, but it takes a few hours to walk over. There are many thorns on the road, and you need to cut a road with a knife or a hoe.

  More often, Luo Dongsheng will lie next to the window of the car's co-driver and raise his telescope towards the window. When the car is driving on the mountain road, he needs to determine where there may be a bat cave.

  As the team leader, Shi Zhengli often leads a team to climb mountains and drill holes. Sampling work is usually a group of 4 people. The team members wore N95 masks, gloves and headlights, and jackets, and set up bird catchers at the entrance of the bat cave in the evening. During the night, they took the bats from the bird catching net and took anal swabs on the temporary bench set up in the wild. They caught the bat and swabbed the anus with a cotton swab soaked in physiological saline to take a sample.

  After extracting the anal swab, the bat will be released. "Mr. Shi has always insisted on non-invasive sampling, not to kill bats as much as possible, and to minimize physical harm to bats when sampling." Luo Dongsheng said. Some bat populations are small, and destructive sampling is likely to cause devastating blows to the entire population. Bats play an important role in maintaining ecological balance, and killing a large number of bats will cause significant losses to the ecosystem.

  Despite wearing gloves, the risk of being bitten by a bat remains. Fan Yibi, a research team member, drew the length of the bat's teeth. Not long ago, his index finger was bitten by a bat.

  "Before sampling in the field, we will inject rabies vaccine in advance. Among the viruses carried by bats, this is the most dangerous." Fan Yi said.

  Until 2011, in a bat cave in Yunnan, the research team finally found the clues it had been looking for.

  "From the sample in this hole, we detected for the first time the SARS-like coronavirus S gene that is closer to SARS virus. Although the other gene fragments are not exactly the same, this hole in Yunnan is more than other sampling locations. It is more worthy of our attention. "From this year on, this bat cave in Yunnan has been designated as a long-term sampling location.

  Until October 2015, Shi Zhengli's research team would go there every spring and autumn.

  "Spring is the breeding season for bats, and autumn is the season with the highest detection rate of coronavirus." Hu Ben explained.

  The temperature of this cave is about 22 ° C to 25 ° C, and the humidity is about 85% to 90%. There is a huge population of chrysanthemum bats. Throughout Yunnan, similar bat caves are not uncommon.

  At dusk, the research team will spread a piece of cloth on the ground in the cave, and collect the fresh bat feces collected overnight the next morning. Each stool sample weighs approximately 1 gram and is placed in a 1 ml collection solution, brought back to the laboratory, and stored in a freezer at minus 80 ° C. In the laboratory, the viral RNA in the sample is extracted.

  In 2013, the laboratory of Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, isolated the first live bat SARS-like coronavirus from fecal samples. It was named WIV1 (WIV is the English abbreviation of Wuhan Virus Research Institute). It is closer to the SARS coronavirus than any bat SARS-like coronavirus found before. It is the similar S gene that allows this bat SARS-like coronavirus to use the same receptor as the SARS virus and can infect Human cells. This achievement was published in the November 2013 issue of Nature.

  The second milestone was established.

The question of the origin of SARS virus can finally be answered

  The successful isolation of WIV1 has made the global scientists' disagreements and debates on the origin of SARS virus "converge." This hunt that has been going on for many years has gradually cleared the target-SARS coronavirus originated from the chrysanthemum bat.

  "However, we have not found the most direct ancestral strain of SARS virus among the bats in this sampling site in Yunnan. That is to say, in all genes, a bat virus highly similar to SARS virus, we have not found "According to Hu Ben, there was still an information gap left in the entire evidence chain at that time.

  The sampling work of this bat cave in Yunnan lasted 5 years, and a total of 10 collections were made. 64 samples of bat fecal particles and anal swabs were collected. From these samples, the research team isolated three live viruses one after another and obtained the full-length genome sequence of a total of 15 bat SARS-like coronaviruses.

  Compared with the SARS virus that caused the SARS epidemic, some of these 15 strains have highly homologous S genes, some accessory genes are different, and some accessory genes are highly similar, but there are obvious differences in S genes.

  Although none of the viruses are exactly the same as the SARS virus, the research team found that among the 15 strains of virus, all the genome components of the SARS virus were included.

  "We considered a possibility-there was a genetic recombination between the different viruses carried by this bat population, resulting in SARS virus." Hu Ben said.

  One day in February 2016, the genetic recombination derivation of the genetic information of 15 strains of bat SARS-like coronavirus began in the computer. The final result confirmed the research team's speculation.

  "This bat cave in Yunnan is like a SARS-like coronavirus gene library. Whether it is an S gene, an accessory gene or a non-structural protein gene, all the genome components of the SARS virus can be found in this natural gene library." Hu Ben told the China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter, "We found evidence of frequent recombination at multiple sites on the genome of these bat SARS-like viruses. Through further analysis, we speculate that the direct ancestor of the SARS coronavirus that caused the outbreak Probably through a series of recombination events between the ancestral strains of these bat SARS-like coronaviruses. "

  The remaining questions about the origin of the SARS virus can finally be answered.

  The research team made a conjecture: 15 years ago, the first ancestor strain of the SARS coronavirus appeared in a bat population in Yunnan or southwest. In an accidental case, the virus infected the wild civet, and the diseased civet was caught by humans. It is also possible that virus-bearing bats contacted local civet farms. When the civet cat arrived in the wildlife market in Guangdong, the virus evolved rapidly in its body, and it boarded the human table in the final form of the SARS virus.

  However, everything is just speculation that the process 15 years ago cannot be restored.

  "This discovery warns us that it is necessary to reduce the intrusion of wildlife habitats such as bats and to eliminate wild animal market transactions, which is essential to prevent the occurrence of new infectious diseases." Professor Yuan Guoyong, a microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, for this study Commented.

  "The SARS-like coronaviruses carried by bats need our attention, but we don't need to be overly nervous. As long as we keep a certain distance from bats in natural habitats, the possibility of virus spilling from bats is very small." Hu Ben said, It should be pointed out that the intermediate host, that is, these animals with more opportunities for contact with humans, often play a key role in the transmission chain of the virus from the natural host to the human. So, not only to keep a distance from the bat, but also need to stop Consume wild animals such as civet cats to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks. "

  Hu Ben called the virus monitoring and virus discovery work "the upstream of virus research", which can lay the foundation for the "downstream" prevention and control work, diagnostic methods and vaccine development, and other basic research. This research means that there is still a risk of outbreaks of new coronavirus similar to SARS, which provides a basis for the prevention of related diseases.

  "The complete SARS-like coronavirus gene library discovered this time allows disease control experts to use software to simulate in advance the viruses that have not appeared, are likely to appear, and can infect humans. We can study vaccines in advance and study countermeasures." Gao Fu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told the China Youth Daily reporter.

  He referred to the disease control work in China after the SARS epidemic as "to move forward". "When the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) outbreak occurred, we were not like the 2003 one, and we quickly controlled MERS." Now. "

  On May 9, 2003, the "Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (No. 376)-Emergency Regulations for Public Health Emergencies" was issued, requiring the establishment of an emergency reporting system for emergencies, where ", And" unidentified group diseases ", governments at all levels should report to the State Council administrative department of health within 1 hour of receiving the report.

  In 2005, the state invested 11.6 billion yuan to establish a disease prevention and control system centered on disease prevention and control institutions as an emergency system to resolve public health emergencies.

  After the "SARS", the disease control departments at all levels in Beijing began training and drills for public health emergencies. The Department of Disease Control of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission has established a 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance network for infectious diseases. In 2012, Beijing invested 175 million yuan to equip two levels of urban disease control institutions with equipment.

  According to Gaofu, first-class disease control requires first-class scientific research achievements to support it, which is reflected in basic research and applied research related to disease control.

  Mentioning Shi Zhengli, he made a joke: "We all call her Bat Woman, Batwoman."

Project-Evidence commented 4 years ago

Thank you. We have included the WHOIV release in Revision 2. We would love to include the YouTube video as well, however the nature of such content makes it difficult to archive. Nonetheless, we believe our section "Lack of PPE during Sample Collection" contains more or less the same content.

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

Interesting disclosure by Wuhan Institute of Virology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015:

Will SARS come back? Recently, Prof. Zhengli Shi and Xingyi Ge from WIV, in cooperation with researchers from University of North Carolina, Harvard Medical School, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology and etc, examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, the scientists generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, they synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. The work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.

Archived at:

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

An interesting interview with Mr. Wen Gui: Continental scientists with more inside information than Shi Zhengli have landed to testify in the United States. Can the CCP really not deny it? Archived at:

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

Interesting disclosure by Professor Huanchun Chen, a professor at Huazhong Agricultural University on 9th Feb 2020:

How is the "Intellectuals" here....

Many scholars who studied viruses expressed to the "Intellectuals" that they did not believe it, did they make a mistake?

At 22:15, "Intellectuals" called Professor Chen Huanchun's phone. He told "Intellectuals" that the new coronavirus is a SARS virus expression, "it may be a mistake, or a little mistake".

He stated that his introduction of the new coronavirus was based on the work published by Nature on the Shi Zhengli team of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. "Because I am representing the entire Hubei province (scientific research), I am talking about these achievements together," "some materials are also provided by them."

Archived at:

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

The Origin Of SARS and Possibly China Wuhan Coronavirus Is She (Shi Zhengli) The Creator Of Coronavirus? 石正丽 Check this video in youtube: Archived at:

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

Who is the "Intellectuals" here....???

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

Shi Zhengli, after the outbreak of coronavirus from Wuhan Lab, refused to accept the views of the experts that it may have originated from Wuhan Lab and tried to put her own views under CCP regime. She also tried to publish so many papers to change the views of the the shortest possible of time..........

For example, check this article how she is trying to impose her own views to the world to accept......... The First Disease X is Caused by a Highly Transmissible Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
