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Evidence SARS-CoV-2 Emerged From a Biological Laboratory in Wuhan, China
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9.8 Wuhan Legal Response #46

Open mukeshp70 opened 4 years ago

mukeshp70 commented 4 years ago

Interesting observation on timeline, to be further investigated and included under legal response:

  1. The truth is coming! Wuhan was brought into the ditch in this way ... article by Chinese Lawyer Author Xu Xuefen


On December 8, 2019, Wuhan found a case of pneumonia. Unlike the past, the virus was sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for detection.The virus detected a new type of coronavirus. Wuhan immediately reported to the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , and another 27 cases were found on the 16th.

Wuhan does not have the right to test, and can only be sent to the CDC. The CDC sent an expert team to Wuhan. It is said that 8 to 9 academicians have taken away the virus samples. They also took more than 200 samples and more than 200 samples from the South China Seafood Market. The results of the analysis were soon published by Academician Xu in a scientific journal.

Academician Gao (Director of CDC) told Wuhan City: Give me two weeks and make a decision before drawing a conclusion.

At 15 o'clock on December 26, the State Council Office held a press conference, and Gao Fu, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, responded to the panic problem: no panic! The consequences of panic and rumors are not worse than the epidemic! By December 28, there were 41 patients.

At this moment, the CDC concluded that the new coronavirus has no person-to-person transmission, and there is no need to panic.

By mid-January, doctors in Wuhan found that the epidemic was seriously out of control and could not but dare to challenge the CDC. Headed by Dr. Jin Yintan, in conjunction with Concord, doctors from several hospitals in Tongji wrote an analysis report of 41 cases, which was submitted to The Lancet Magazine, which was published at the fastest rate in history. With a view to attracting the attention of senior officials and overturning the CDC conclusions. What are the CDC expert academicians doing for more than two weeks? The gene sequence was measured and raced against each other with a view to making major discoveries. The world famous, Hong Kong University went to Wuhan to grab the virus specimens. After getting it, they became angry and angry, which can be seen. The gang of academicians threw the most important thing: controlling the epidemic out of Jiuxiaoyun, but to publish the paper.

Incomplete statistics, they published a total of 8 articles in nature, science, and lancet in just one month.

Seeing that the epidemic was out of control, Wuhan City reminded Academician Zhong Nanshan, and immediately invited Zhong Dao in the name of the locality, because only Zhong Dao dared to challenge the CDC in China.

  1. Who concealed the Wuhan epidemic? .........article by Chinese Lawyer Author Xu Xuefen**

  2. It is reported that in October 2019, researchers in the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a virus that had never been seen in the case samples sent by the Wuhan Center for Disease Control. Isolation, determination of RNA, sequencing, confirmed that it is a new coronavirus.

This news is very important, please investigate whether it is true.

    1. On January 30 , 2020, the WeChat public account "Medical Community" published an article "The new coronavirus was discovered in this way ... They exclaimed 'This is a level with the plague'." The article is not signed, and the author describes the process of discovering a new coronavirus similar to SARS on December 26, 2019.

The author said that their data was shared with the Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. On the 29th and 30th, the company leaders personally went to Wuhan to report and communicate with the leaders of the hospital and disease control center. On December 30, another company directly issued a report on the detection of SARS coronavirus. The company shared the sequence. The author analyzed and confirmed that the two companies detected the same virus.

An article commemorating Li Wenliang was published in the "Medical Community" on February 7, 2020, and mentioned this matter again, asking "Why did no one listen to the opinions of bioinformatics experts?"

Please investigate whether two companies have discovered new viruses. Does the expert group of the National Health and Health Commission know about this?

  1. On January 30 , 2020, Yang Gonghuan, the former deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, was interviewed by a reporter from the Economic Observation Network. She said that China has spent a lot of money to establish China ’s infectious diseases and public health emergencies after the SARS epidemic in 2003 The monitoring information system (referred to as the network direct reporting system) monitors various infectious diseases, and unexplained pneumonia is the focus of monitoring and reporting. The system has been running well all the time, and she believes that it is necessary to pay attention to and question the operation of this infectious disease epidemic report response mechanism in this epidemic.

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nemonominem commented 4 years ago

One interesting point is (1) in As per the messy Google translation:

It is reported that in October 2019, researchers in the P4 laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a virus that had never been seen in the case samples sent by the Wuhan Center for Disease Control. Isolation, determination of RNA, sequencing, confirmed that it is a new coronavirus.

Or for a slightly crisper but abridged translation (

it was reported that in October 2019, researchers from the P4 laboratory of wuhan virus institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences identified a virus that had never been seen before in a sample sent by the Wuhan CDC

That means that the P2 Wuhan CDC lab would have had some samples that they sent for fast processing at the Wuhan P4 lab. Would make sense as the P4 certainly has better sequencing capacity. But why would they send this sample? Is it a sample from a person? Google gives a plural: samples - does that mean n bat samples collected in caves, or n (human) samples collected from a medical event (after all this is the CDC - it's in frontline for disease control and detection)?

Anyway what does the Chinese for 'case samples' really mean in the Google translation? Does it mean a medical case?

Note that this could also be routine if the samples are bat samples collected from caves, not a medical case. But in this case I would suspect that they would directly go to the P4. Indeed what is the point collecting bat samples if you don't have a sequencing capability? And if you do, then why send the samples to the P4?

It sounds very difficult to check and the author herself just repeats a hearsay. What's interesting though is that it's a bit complex for a fake piece of news as it involves one lab sending samples to another one - which is rather distracting to the story.

The rest of the blog is a rehashing of some of the cover-ups, and especially the frozen lab-confirmed cases from the 5th to the 17th Jan (41 cases, the number reported in Lancet) with some valid questioning about the political conferences going on at the time. A lot of this was accessible on Caixin for a while. It's actually rather factual.