Project-GrADyS / gradys-simulations

Simulations from Project GrADyS on OMNET++ and INET framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ERROR] Framework can not work with submodule errors #17

Closed LaplaceZhang closed 1 year ago

LaplaceZhang commented 1 year ago

Hi, I installed this framework with Omnet + INET 4.2 on Ubuntu 20.04. I tried to build the mobilityDrones-omnetpp.ini file but got the following error in return:

cMatchExpression: Parse error in match expression: syntax error, unexpected STRINGLITERAL, expecting $end -- in module (inet::visualizer::StatisticCanvasVisualizer) mobilityDrones.visualizer.canvasVisualizer.statisticVisualizer (id=24), during network initialization

Screenshot from 2022-09-09 21-24-24

Also, I noticed some .ned files report errors and all of them are caused by the protocolGate with description:

wrong destination gate: submodule 'xxx' has no gate named 'protocolGate'

where xxx refers to module names, I looked through the code and found the protocolGate is defined in the DroneMobility.ned as an inout gate. I tried to import it, but the error remains. It would be appreciated and very helpful if you knew how to fix this issue. Thanks! :smiley:

LaplaceZhang commented 1 year ago

The reason why I failed to build this work is cause I was using OMNet 6.0. I tried OMNet 5.6.2 with INET 4.2.5, and it works! The protocolGate error remains, but it seems harmless and does not affect code running.

Thlamz commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out a way to hide that protocolGate error. It is a consequence of how we have structured our simulation, it is completely harmless!