Project-Lunar / Project-Lunar-Issue-Tracker

The main issue tracker for all components of Project Lunar
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New USB controller returns "Added device id: 0" #39

Open markedup opened 3 years ago

markedup commented 3 years ago

System information

█                                     █ User: root
█                                     █ Hostname: ProjectLunar
█ ___ ____ ____  _ ____ ____ ___      █ OS: moon-es1-v0.8.3-1085EU-1f2365d
█ |__] |__/ | |  | |___ |    |        █ Kernel: Project Lunar Linux armv7l
█ |    | \  |_| _| |___ |___ |        █ Kernel Release: 3.4.113
█ 88    88   88 8888b. 8888b. 8888ba  █ Kernel Date: Dec 19 10:50:51 UTC 2019
█ 88    88   88 88 `8b 88 `8b 88 `8b  █ CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
█ 88    88   88 88  88 88aa88 88aa8P’ █ RAM Usage: 84 / 245mb
█ 88    Y8...8P 88  88 88  88 88 `8b. █ CPU Usage: 2%
█ 888888`Y888P’ 88  88 88  88 88   88 █ CPU temp: 30c
█                                     █ CPU Speed: 1344000KHz
█                                     █ ROOT:  7 / 147mb // 95% Used
█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█ DATA:  73 / 170mb // 57% Used
█       Created by ModMyClassic       █ EXTRA: 14 / 48mb // 69% Used
█           █ MEDIA: No External Storage

Mega Drive mini hardware ~ UK retail (Dec. 2019) Project Lunar Desktop ~ v1.0.55.19766 (64-bit)


I've been trying to add a RetroFlag 'Classic USB Controller-M' to Project Lunar, using the 'How to create extra controller mappings' guide.

After some early success getting the buttons mapped, but no D-pad response, I've done further tinkering but ended up apparently nerfing all custom mappings somehow.

When cat-ing /tmp/project_lunar.log via PuTTY, I get the following output when plugging in and removing any available USB controller I have, including the official UK retail 3-button MD control pads supplied with the system:

Added device id: 0
Removed Game Controller ID: 0
Added device id: 0
Removed Game Controller ID: 0
Added device id: 0

I've tried manually "resetting" /opt/project_lunar/etc/boot_menu/gamecontrollerdb.txt using the latest version from project source, but still see the same ID: 0 output even after cold-booting the MD mini.

I don't any other USB devices, other than the official controllers and now attempting to use the Controller-M, including external storage, and no other modifications have been made (knowingly) to any Project Lunar configuration or data files.

Has anyone seen this before and have some advice please?

Full log dump

From cold boot, no USB devices connected:

Initialising Project Lunar NAND setup...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INIT) Execute init_nandg()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INIT) Execute mount_nandg()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INIT) Execute toggle_overmount()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INIT) Overmounting key directories...
Overmounting /bin...
Overmounting /etc...
Overmounting /lib...
Overmounting /var...
Overmounting /usr/libexec...
Overmounting /usr/local...
Initialised Project Lunar nand setup OK!
Initialising Project Lunar media watchdog...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Media heartbeat created
Initialised Project Lunar media watchdog OK!
Starting Project Lunar...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Initialising framebuffer...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Clearing framebuffer...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute initialise_rootfs_data()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Initialising rootfs_data...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute initialise_update_directories()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Initialising update structure...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute initialise_rootfs_data_mounts()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Mounting rootfs_data...
Mounting: /rootfs_data/project_lunar/retroarch...
Mounting: /rootfs_data/project_lunar/m2engage/system...
Mounting: /rootfs_data/project_lunar/m2engage/region...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute process_nand_updates()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Setting NAND initialised flag
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute load_kernel_modules()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Loading extra kernel modules...
Loading kernel module: lib80211.ko
Loading kernel module: cfg80211.ko
Loading kernel module: mac80211.ko
Loading kernel module: eeprom_93cx6.ko
Loading kernel module: 8188eu.ko
Loading kernel module: rtl8187.ko
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_rdnis_service()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Enabling RDNIS Service...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute thermal watchdog
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute error watchdog
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_blast_processing()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Enabling Blast Processing...
Current CPU Freq: 1008000KHz
Current CPU Voltage: 1200000uV
Current CPU Temperature: 21c
Target CPU Freq: 1344000KHz
Executing blast processing...
New CPU Freq: 1344000KHz
New CPU Voltage: 1460000uV
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_overcommit_memory()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Enabled memory overcommiting...
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_memory_optimisation()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Enabling ZRAM memory optimisation...
Generating zswap space of 32146944 BYTES for zram device: 0
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 32145408 bytes
Generating zswap space of 32146944 BYTES for zram device: 1
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 32145408 bytes
Generating zswap space of 32146944 BYTES for zram device: 2
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 32145408 bytes
Generating zswap space of 32146944 BYTES for zram device: 3
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 32145408 bytes
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO)(BACKGROUND) Execute toggle_external_swap() in 10 sec
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_rw_root_fs()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_root_password()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_nice_profile()
[PROJECT LUNAR](INFO) Execute toggle_hostname()
Project Lunar started OK!
Starting Project Lunar networking service...
mode: 0
automatic mode: display don't support 720p and 480p. 720p mode selected
[PROJECT LUNAR](WARNING) USB is not mounted, can't enable external swap!