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Minor Animation Flub #1

Closed KorytheMaril closed 8 years ago

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

When putting Lyn into the PMEX build with Waluigi, something causes her to t-pose on her second jump. I don't exactly know what causes this, and I didn't play around too much to see if any other animation is having trouble. Checking Brawl Box, all of her animations are in check, so it's definitely something within the game itself that causes this to occur.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

It's like the new characters need to adapt to this fairly 'new' build now that we just moved to PMEX format. If there really is a correlation between the leaked characters' inclusion; their based off clones and the characters they fight or are co-existing with that have similar characters or exactly the same characters they are based off in the clone engine (e.g: Ridley and Lyn being clones of Pit); this is gonna be a serious and heavy problem for us. Let's hope that correlation is false and fallacious and get this fixed.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy It's at moments like these I wish I knew more on Smash hacking. Bb010g and Pyotr seemed to somehow get these characters to work without the conflicts (Sonic and Knuckles fought just fine). I'd like to look into this further; I've only added Knuckles and Lyn to my build due to the nature of Isaac and Sami, and this visual bug does bother me. Do you know how these clones were made without their effects being transferred to Subspace enemies?

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril I feel you, man.

I just ported Isaac now and was a success, at least in practice. It's still...bleh. I just won a match and his "have no sympathy from me" pose has TOon Link's pig appear in his face. This never happened before.

I have no idea about the Subspace Emissary files. Remember, they were clone engine characters, not BEX characters initially, they never came with their SE files except their Spy files. Nonetheless, I think you can give them one by copying some already existing file and just renaming them properly (FitCharacterDark and FitCharacterFake).

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril I think bb010g and I figured out what may be causing the bugs: the configtemplates files themselves. Somehow there is a misplaced hex coding or something that may cause the animations to bug. I believe we should start by investigating this error in the FighterConfig template for Lyn.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I'll try opening up the Fighter config in HxD. Perhaps I could find exactly what would need to be edited, but I can't say I'll be so lucky. I'm not that great when it comes to Brawl hacking, so I can't say I'll be that reliable.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril I'm not that great of a hacker either, so we are in the same boat. Let's just hope what exactly needs editing and report it.

P.S: Download BrawlEx Config Utility. That program is very useful and may lead us to the problem in another view, in case HxD doesn't lend us a clue. Also, refer to the BrawlEx starter's guide.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril It's definitely the config templates. PurpleSquert confirmed it. He has the fixes in which I'm receiving now. You keep finding the problem for double confirmation.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy Using the BrawlEX Config tool and checking the fighter.dat, the thing my eye immediately goes to is the AirJumpCount, which is set to 2. That seems to be right, I'd imagine, but I'm noticing the 'CanGlide' being true. Now, this is purely speculation, but going by Knuckle's stuff, that might be the issue. It's most likely that Lyn is trying to load a gliding animation (like Kirby and Jigglypuff, I'm guessing) that isn't there, so it goes to T-Pose. That's just my guess, but let me see if this changes anything if I change it.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril Lyn cannot glide. Set that to false.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I did so, and yet it did not fix her t-pose issue. The glide was probably borrowed from Pit, I'm guessing.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I FIXED THE ISSUE: IT'S HER AIRJUMPCOUNT! Set her AirJumpCount to 1.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril This may need more investigation. We now know she can't glide but somehow is not enough. I downloaded the Lyn files myself. I'll see what else is odd and I'll report it. Keep searching though.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy Would you happen to have a sort of move log for her? The only other concerning things with her fighter.dat right now seem to be her HasRapidJab, her JabCount and her JabFlag.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril She only has two possible jabs and they aren't rapid. Don't know about the flags though. I'm going to check her right now, now that I have her files. I'm eliminating Isaac from the build I have to have Lyn checked up.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I guess, just in case, I'd check out the other fighter.dat files so they match up with the character movesets. If you happen to have move logs for the 4 characters, might I ask to study them, so that I can check the fighter.dat files for each?

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril I just noticed her CanWallJump was set to false when it actually is true.

As for the log, Lyn is the only wall jumper, Knuckles can only glide. Sami is the only crawler. Also, Isaac does not have a working Final Smash, the rest do: Sami's is basically Snake's, Lyn's is currently Pit's FS.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

That's basically some useful info. I can give you. Also, about the Jab Flags, the Config program says it has an unknown usage, so leave that be.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy When you say glide for Knuckles, do you mean his side B? His glide is turned off, but it seems his side B works fine without it. I'm not exactly sure, then, what it means for a character to have a glide.

Sami's stuff should be just fine currently: She's so close to Snake and has so many of his attributes that her Fighter.dat should be fine.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy As it turns out, it appears everything for Lyn is working fine now. If her jab only hits twice, then it's just a matter of uploading the files. Consider this problem solved, sir!

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril Wait, you mean you fixed Lyn? It was the CanWallJump and CanGlide and RapidJab fixes? How'd you do it?

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy It was all in the fighter.dat files. I used the info you gave me on Lyn: her two jabs, turning off the rapid jab, fixing her AirJumpCount to 1, stuff like that. I'll update the current EX Files shortly.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

I see! Purple and I were correct! Great job Kory! I'll report to bb right away!

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

This issue is officially closed!

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I'm glad I could help; I'll close the issue once the files are updated, I guess. I have it in a zip folder already, if you want.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril Upload them in the GH and I'll have a look at them when I finish with my Lyn. Remember to set them back to their default (FF).

You were awesome in that, Kory. This is actually very helpful and cuts some some slack and can help us get back on focusing in polishing animations.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy ...I must apologize, could I ask what the GH is...? I'm really sorry.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril GH=GitHub.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

PR= Pull Request.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy Oh boy, I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I don't have access to this project, so I might just upload it to DropBox really quickly and send the link. Is that alright?

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy Sorry for the spam, but here's the file on Dropbox; I'll delete it as soon as you get it, sir. I apologize for the inconvenience.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril I got it! Also, to upload files in the GH, go to the fork tab in the Lyn repo. That clones the upstream repo and you can basically upload your fixes there. After that. Ask the Hub to pull request it and bb010g should examine it and merge it with the upstream.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I... Messed up, I think. I am very sorry: I ended up uploading the zip file and the Fighter.dat (in the proper folder, at least...)

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril You can just upload the Config templates. No need to upload the costumes and animation nor cosmetic portraits. Just the templates are fine.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy I'll go in and upload the fighter.dat, at least. I'm so sorry, I've been causing a lot of trouble in little time.

TheSmashBoy commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril (Chuckles), chill dude. I also have my issues with GH. I still don't even know how to properly PR without simply making simple uploads and not upload my own repo.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@TheSmashBoy Thank you, sir.

bb010g commented 8 years ago

@KorytheMaril If you need help making a pull request, just ping me on Matrix and I'll get back as soon as possible to walk you through it. It's a bit strange at first, but it's nothing you can't get the hang of quickly.

KorytheMaril commented 8 years ago

@bb010g Ah, thank you, sir. I'll try to set up a Matrix as soon as possible. I apologize for the inconvenience.

bb010g commented 8 years ago

I forgot, you probably should have instructions. (I really should just update the main README.) From here:

We're over at on Matrix. If you want a good client, Vector does the job well. Just make an account and type that room alias into the directory or just type /join into any room's input box.