Open WangFengtu1996 opened 4 years ago
Then, I execute ros2 launch slam_gmapping in ros2 crystal installed in docker. But I got malformed launch argument '', expected format '
should work on both crystal
and dashing
. It works fine with both source built and debian packages. Are you supplying any additional arguments after the command?
ros2 launch slam_gmapping
There should not be any additional arguments provided.
Thanks for your time. NO, I just execute the command.
ros2 launch slam_gmapping
but I got
malformed launch argument '', expected format '<name>:=<value>'
I don't konw what I should do .
The launch file currently just runs the node slam_gmapping
Can you try ros2 run slam_gmapping slam_gmapping
Thanks for you time. but it does not work . can't find slam_gmapping
This error should come up only if:
Thanks for your time.
Yes,I did not build the package.
But, when I execute ros2 launch slam_gmapping
I got the error
undefined symbol: _ZN7tf2_ros20TransformBroadcaster13sendTransformERKN13geometry_msgs3msg17TransformStamped_ISaIvEEE
When I execute
ros2 run slam_gmapping slam_gmapping
I also got
undefined symbol: _ZN7tf2_ros20TransformBroadcaster13sendTransformERKN13geometry_msgs3msg17TransformStamped_ISaIvEEE
Finished <<< slam_gmapping [8.76s] `
is unable to find the definition of tf2_ros
. Can you check if has it been built correctly?
I installed docker,then i pull the ros: dashing-ros-base. Then, I download the source code from github. When i execute ros2 launch slam_gmapping ,but i got malformed launch argument '', expected format ':=' .
So, I want to know if the slam_gampping can run in ros2 Dashing?
if can ,how should i do
thanks for your help.