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Lazy Resampling #4855

Open wyli opened 2 years ago

wyli commented 2 years ago

Lazy resampling (fusing spatial transforms)

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Follow up of,, when there are various spatial transforms such as Spacing RandZoom being used in Compose, automatically fusing them to run one step resampling would speed up the process and reduce the resampling errors by repeated resamplings.


Lazy resampling (or fusing spatial transforms) is a feature that aims to eliminate unnecessary resample steps from preprocessing pipelines containing multiple spatial transforms. It does so by composing those steps in a manner that reflects established best practice from the world of graphics libraries.

The goal is that this functionality is incorporated into the implementation of Compose and the spatial transforms themselves, so that a user can get the benefit of this feature in a way that is completely compatible code-wise with previous versions of MONAI.

Historically speaking, this functionality has existed only within the scope of Affine and Affined, which enable multiple affine transforms in a predetermined order within a single transform, in #112.


Lazy resampling has the following benefits:

PRs related to this feature

Some PRs have already been merged to dev for use by the ongoing development branches / forks:

There are two development efforts going on toward this feature:

There are two original PRs relating to this feature, but these will not be merged as is, but rather cherry picked from in order to implement the above PRs:

Impact on codebase


All spatial transforms must be modified to be resampling aware. This can be done in a minimal way (#4911) or in a more extensive way (#4922) that decouples the transform itself from the resulting resample operation.


Compose must be modified to handle lazy resampling although thee are a number of ways this can be achieved

Resample (optional)

Resample can optionally be modified in order to reduce the complexity of spatial transforms, according to #5010. This allows all spatial transforms to be implemented in terms of a description of the transform while still being able to take advantage of lower-cost resampling techniques when possible.


Performing lazy resampling across multiple transforms adds some feature complexity that must be understood and overcome:

Modifications to Compose

The goal with this functionality as that the user should not need to alter existing code in order for lazy resampling to work; i.e. that it should be the default behaviour moving forward. As such, additional work must be done behind the scenes in order for a pipeline to be lazily executed. This can manifest in code in a number of different ways:

Parameter compatibility

There are multiple parameters that can be set across most spatial transforms, such as mode, padding_mode and dtype. If these are incompatible between transforms, then resampling must happen immediately rather than deferring it to later in the pipeline.

Other code that modifies the transform list

There are a number of features that cause a list of transforms to be modified before / during their execution:

With the need for lazy resampling to also execute a modified list of transforms, there is significant potential for clashes if these list altering mechanisms aren't designed to work with each other.

Histogram-sampling transforms

Some transforms perform patch-based sampling given histograms of data; typically labels that accompany image or volume data. This might require an immediate resample for if the patch based transform follows other spatial transforms, but this resample may then subsequently be thrown out in favour of a single true resample step at the end of the spatial transforms.

Multi-sample transforms

Some transforms allow for multiple samples to be performed, such as when multiple random patches are selected from a data sample. Lazy resampling causes complications relating to MetaTensor, as there isn't strictly speaking a need for a new metatensor instance until resampling occurs, but MetaTensor is not designed to hold multiple sets of pending transforms. There are several ways that this can be handled:

Compiled transforms

If pipeline compilation is chosen, it will be necessary to write new transforms that implement the modified behaviour. These include:

atbenmurray commented 2 years ago

@wyli Do you mind if I add some more detail to this feature request?

wyli commented 2 years ago

no, please feel free to add more info @atbenmurray

myron commented 1 year ago

This is great effort, to interpolate only once, it would avoid the repeated interpolation artifacts and should speed up the transforms pipeline, and use less memory, in theory.

At the same time, it's very difficult to implement for any general transforms, and may result in many potential bugs. Perhaps we can start by supporting only a subset of transforms (Spacing, Cropping and fused Affine (which includes Rotation, Scaling, Affine)).

And may be it's better for a user to explicitly indicate which transforms to fuse together, e.g.

fused_transform = transforms.FusedSpatialTranform([SpacingD(), RandomCroppingD(), RandAffineD()])

transforms = transforms.Compose[LoadImageD(), ToTensor(), fused_transform,  NormalizeIntensities()]

It's one extra step for the user, but it could be easier to test, and returns the error right away if the transforms can not be fused.

In this case each transform can have a method to accept a grid (X, Y, Z coordinates) for interpolation, and each transform will update it (e.g. crop grid, or rotate grid or scale).

and the transforms.FusedSpatialTranform() class will call all those spatial grid manipulations and interpolate once at the end

atbenmurray commented 1 year ago

This is great effort, to interpolate only once, it would avoid the repeated interpolation artifacts and should speed up the transforms pipeline, and use less memory, in theory.

At the same time, it's very difficult to implement for any general transforms, and may result in many potential bugs. Perhaps we can start by supporting only a subset of transforms (Spacing, Cropping and fused Affine (which includes Rotation, Scaling, Affine)).

And may be it's better for a user to explicitly indicate which transforms to fuse together, e.g.

fused_transform = transforms.FusedSpatialTranform([SpacingD(), RandomCroppingD(), RandAffineD()])

transforms = transforms.Compose[LoadImageD(), ToTensor(), fused_transform,  NormalizeIntensities()]

It's one extra step for the user, but it could be easier to test, and returns the error right away if the transforms can not be fused.

In this case each transform can have a method to accept a grid (X, Y, Z coordinates) for interpolation, and each transform will update it (e.g. crop grid, or rotate grid or scale).

and the transforms.FusedSpatialTranform() class will call all those spatial grid manipulations and interpolate once at the end

The goals has been that lazy resampling works without you having to change the code at all. As such, transforms that are able to execute lazily will do so unless the user turns it off. It isn't an issue for spatial transforms in general; any affine transformation can be composed with others to create a cumulative transform, and crops / pads can be rephrased as translation operations that change the region of interest.

Transforms expressed as grids (elastic, etc.) can also be composed with affine transforms. It is only when we need to compose a grid with a grid that we need to pause and resample before continuing.

When transforms can't be fused, we just perform a resample and then move on to the rest of the transforms, so only transforms that are explicitly lazy in combination with each other will result in intermediate resamples.

Does that clarify how things work in lazy resampling and / or ameliorate your concerns?

myron commented 1 year ago

@atbenmurray thank you for the reply. I understand the idea of lazy resampling and fusing transforms. And I understand the idea of hiding this from the user, to simplify things for the user.

But to me it seems better to explicitly define which transforms to fuse, and separate this logic, for the following reasons

these are my thoughts, but there are multiple equally good ways/solutions to accomplish this (with it's own challenges).