Project-MONAI / MONAILabel

MONAI Label is an intelligent open source image labeling and learning tool.
Apache License 2.0
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Show 3D not available in MONAILabel Reviewer #1624

Open bkonkva opened 5 months ago

bkonkva commented 5 months ago

I'm running the monailabel slicer plugin on some segmented data. I open the plugin, switch to reviewer mode, provide a reviewer name and connect to the server. My first image loads up fine, the segmentation masks load as well (labels have changed from the names I provided to Segment_1, Segment_2,.... but that's a minor issue). They main issue I'm hitting is that "Show 3D" in the editor is greyed out. With "start label edit" most segment editor options appear, but the "Show 3D" remains greyed. A quick workaround I've discovered is that if I add and then immediately remove a label, "Show 3D" becomes clickable and works fine.