Project-MONAI / MONAILabel

MONAI Label is an intelligent open source image labeling and learning tool.
Apache License 2.0
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Annotation with MONAI Label for multiple annotators #1661

Open Suchi97 opened 3 months ago

Suchi97 commented 3 months ago

Hi Team,

Hope you're doing great!

Currently, we're engaged in annotating an image, which entails labeling over 70 categories. This task demands additional manual effort. Hence, we're exploring the feasibility of employing MONAI Label to facilitate concurrent annotation by multiple annotators.

Proposed workflow: Our plan involves running the MONAI Label server, through which annotators can access and label different images simultaneously.

Any help is appreciated Thanks in advance

diazandr3s commented 3 months ago


This is great to see MONAI Label being used for this setup. Could you please provide more information about this? How many annotators? Is it only one image? Are these single-modality images/volumes? CT or MR?

Let us know,

Suchi97 commented 3 months ago

Hi @diazandr3s,

Thanks for the reply.

So we are trying to annotate the labels in the medical images. We need to annotate about 50 to 100 labels in 1 nifti image. There are about 20 nifti images and 4 annotators to annotate images. Each annotator will use different images at time. Yes there are single modality MRI images. Please let me know if there is any queries.

Thanks in advance