Project-Muteki / pymutekiu

Besta RTOS userland emulator
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Syscall and HLE callback handler #3

Closed dogtopus closed 6 months ago

dogtopus commented 7 months ago


For syscalls alone, #2 is a bit unclear of what it does, and after some elaboration, some parts of it don't make much sense and unnecessarily complicates things (like multilayer syscall handling and letting syscall handler's process() instead of using the callback object itself to handle host-guest data conversion).

We also wanted to have a unified way to handle guest callbacks for both syscall and HLE modules. This proposal takes both use cases into account.


Some basic points


Emulator context: on_intr(2) or on_page_fault() -> set flag and signal the emulator to stop Emulator context main loop:

stop due to svc ->
  extract syscall num and reformat stack frame ->
  self._states.grh_syscall.process_request(syscall_num) ->
  look up corresponding GuestModule object ->
  GuestModule#process(syscall_num) ->
  GuestCallback#respond_to(self._uc) ->
  register/execute coroutine from process_request with Scheduler
stop due to code hook set up around the allocated magic address (needs to at least have x permission set) ->
  self._states.grh_hle_func.process_request(addr) ->
  look up corresponding GuestModule object ->
  GuestModule#process(addr) ->
  GuestCallback#respond_to(self._uc) ->
  register/execute coroutine from process_request with Scheduler


A _uc
A _states
A _table: dict[int, GuestModule]
A _modules: list[GuestModule]
M __init__(_uc, _states)
M process_request(req_key) -> query _table and run GuestModule#process(req_key)
M register_guest_module(module: GuestModule) -> read available_keys, do intersection check and index them in table -> return index in _modules
M unregister_guest_module(module_index: int) -> fetch _modules[module_index] and delete all entries in _table before del itself

A ENABLED_MODULES: list[SyscallModule]
M __init__(_uc, _states) -> super() -> self.register_guest_module(module) for module in ENABLED_MODULES

M find_guest_module(name) -> search AVAILABLE_MODULES

G available_keys: set[int]
M process(key) (usually this will be only one line, no need to subclass it tbh)

A _uc
A _states
A _table: dict[int, GuestCallback]
M __init__(_uc, _states) -> scan methods decorated with @syscalldef, make GuestCallback objects for each entry and store them in _table
M process(key) -> get from _table and passthrough to GuestCallback#respond_to(self._uc).
G available_keys

A _uc
A _states
A _table: dict[int, GuestCallback]
A _names: dict[str, int]
M __init__(_uc, _states, base) -> scan methods decorated with @fcndef, make GuestCallback objects for each entry and store them in _table with an allocated address based on base. Extract names set by @fcndef and populate _names with the names and allocated addresses.
M process(key) -> get from _table and passthrough to GuestCallback#respond_to(self._uc).
G available_keys
M sizeof -> calculates the minimum memory size required for this handler. This will not be page-aligned.

A callback
A ret
A args
M __init__(callback, ret, args)
M respond_to(uc) -> coroutine. parse APCS args, pass result to underlying callback, await if needed, and set return value
dogtopus commented 6 months ago

There are also requests that need to be handled asynchronously (specifically any handlers that need to hand over the control to other threads while still be able to return results at a later time e.g. anything related to synchronization and things like Buzzer() which delays or yields in syscall via OSSleep())

We need to change this proposal slightly to handle this preferably with asyncio and perhaps a separate emulator execution thread controlled by an asyncio event loop or alternatively a dedicated emulator event loop driven by callbacks (instead of a regular loop currently being used) with bare Coroutines triggered before executing guest code in a tick(), which also has the ability to end a tick() when it blocks on a domain-specific Future object for Scheduler.