Project-OSRM / osrm-backend

Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Dropping POST support in 5.0 #2163

Closed TheMarex closed 8 years ago

TheMarex commented 8 years ago

URL based POST encoding doesn't work with the new API anymore, since the coordinates are part of the path now, e.g.,lat;lon,lat;lon,lat?option=value. As such there is little sense to remove the (short) option part to POST.

Since we can't support two APIs that means POST is out for osrm-routed. For big requests we have been advocating using the C++ library directly or using node-osrm since some time now. As such this is conscious removal of a feature.

daniel-j-h commented 8 years ago

I can take a look at that.

Also for the record: here is an example project integrating libosrm with a battle-tested HTTP server (e.g. providing KeepAlive amongst other features). That should get you started:

I wanted to do the same with Facebook's Proxygen but haven't had the time so far.

kostadin24 commented 8 years ago

What about distance matrix? Without POST it is not possible to solve matrix with 5000 elements. URL become too long.

daniel-j-h commented 8 years ago

You can either split your request and re-assemble the responses (I think I saw a project that does that transparently), or use the node-osrm bindings which we recommend for production use anyway, or use libosrm for table queries without the HTTP overhead.

Here's a quick brain dump of how to use libosrm in the upcoming v5 release (currently in branch rewrite/new-api). I will add this and more details to the Wiki at some point in time.

Take a look at the example code (that lives in example/ Here is all you ever wanted to know about libosrm, that is a short description of what the types do and where to find documentation on it:

To summarize: 1/ create an OSRM instance initialized with a EngineConfig 2/ call the service function on the OSRM object providing *Parameters 3/ check the return code and use the JSON result.

Here you can see a Route query, by first creating RouteParameters and then calling the Route function which fills a result JSON object from the example server integration I posted above:

danpat commented 8 years ago

@kostadin24 Note that the URL length limits are entirely client-side - osrm-routed will accept any length URL you feed it. The only limits are client-side.

If you're requesting from a browser, then the maximum URL size will be governed by that browser (

For command-line tools like curl, the maximum size will be limited by the maximum parameter size enforced by the operating system: for Linux, it's about 130kb (

If you programatically control curl, or implement your own HTTP client code, there is no effective limit.

@TheMarex @daniel-j-h We should probably put a limit on this on the OSRM demo server so that it's not a vector for a denial-of-service attack.

grudolf commented 8 years ago

@danpat, the problems with GET size limits start when osrm-routed is accessed through a http reverse proxy.

kostadin24 commented 8 years ago

@grudolf Because of GET size limit - I'm using POST. Now POST support will be dropped.

@danpat I made requests from program in same machine. Browsers aren't involved here. With POST works fine with 5000x5000 matrix. But with GET after URL pass 32768 size - problem. I didn't make research. Just switched to POST and it was OK.

daniel-j-h commented 8 years ago

This landed in the v5 rc.

Have a look at the C++ libosrm or if you need experimental C and Python bindings head over to

and speak out now.

kostadin24 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I wasn't arround for a little :) @daniel-j-h you wrote "This landed in the v5 rc.". Does this means that version 5.7 handles GET requests with url size bigger than 32768?

daniel-j-h commented 7 years ago

We just removed POST support from the osrm-routed binary, nothing else should have changed. There should also be no limit on GET request size coming from osrm-routed.

I still recommend using either libosrm directly from C++ or node-osrm via Node.js for larger matrices. Good luck!

kostadin24 commented 7 years ago

Direct use from c++ is best option. Unfortunatelly I wouldn't have free time soon to write code for this. Will try again with big URL for GET request to fix situation for first time. My previous unsuccesfull attempt was with URL > 32768 and request was from same machine, so no browser or network involved here.

kostadin24 commented 7 years ago

Good work! After testing v 5.7.0 with GET request/URL length 40k/ - everything is FINE :) Will replace old 4.x version with new one.

kostadin24 commented 7 years ago

Hmm! Are you sure that in v5.7.0 POST is dropped? I just made mistake to use POST instead of GET. Request for table with 2000 points works. Here is code:

String url contains table request with 2000 points and it is about 40kb.

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.Timeout = 10000000;

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
                return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TableResponse>(tr.ReadToEnd());

This code works with both GET or POST.

daniel-j-h commented 7 years ago

Yes removes POST support from the osrm-routed's request parser. Maybe your library has a GET fallback?

kostadin24 commented 7 years ago

Probably GET falback is involved. If I move parameters from URL to request.content POST request fails. If POST have url with params and no data in request.content - fails as expected