Project-OSRM / osrm-backend

Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Options for Trip plugin brute force search #3622

Open danpat opened 7 years ago

danpat commented 7 years ago

Currently, the trip plugin performs a brute force search for up to 10 coordinates, then switches to a farthest insertion heuristic.

There are some exact solutions to the TSP (e.g. that could offer exact solutions for more coordinates with the same time bounds.

We should do some investigation to see if there are some easy wins here, including:

10 coordinates is useful, but small. If we could double, or triple that, 30 coordinates has a bunch of real-world use cases and it'd be nice to offer exact solutions.

/cc @oxidase @chaupow

oxidase commented 7 years ago

Some improvement can be achieved by using an upper bound for the initial weight and lower bound in branching. An exampleTsp.txt with 1-tree bound for data from wsahara.txt djibuty.txt

It is usable for up to 30~40 nodes for symmetric graphs. For asymmetric graphs some heuristic can be applied to make graph symmetric (it will not work for one-directional edges) or the graph can be converted to symmetric one by duplicating nodes, but it will reduce usability to ~15-20 nodes.

HGuillemet commented 7 years ago

Explicit choice of the algorithm used via parameters would be nice, instead of the arbitrary threshold of 10. I understand that this can lead to easy DoS, but there are situations (private routing server) where you won't mind spending a couple of seconds finding the exact solution.

Maybe a compilation option allowing to change the threshold would be better.

daniel-j-h commented 7 years ago

What you could do is make the brute-force threshold a engine-wide limit. Follow the max_locations_trip limit and add the threshold:

then you can check it in the trip plugin.

By the way @HGuillemet just leaving this here -

danpat commented 7 years ago

Given that the brute-force search is O(N!), I don't expect you'll be able to change the limit very much - we picked 10 because it's still "fast" (<1 second), but I'm pretty sure it's in the minutes range by 13, and the hours by 15 or 16.