Project-OSRM / osrm-backend

Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Make Graphs Actual Containers #3772

Open MoKob opened 7 years ago

MoKob commented 7 years ago

During the work on partitioning, we got caught up in some side-effects of adding logic to our graphs that I feel does not belong in there.

One example is the data field for which @daniel-j-h already proposes

Other parts are the general forced access patterns using IDs that require you to loop over IDs (e.g. getAdjacentEdgeRange and from the IDs refer to the edges with GetData(ID).

I would like to rip out these graphs (and their added logic) for a simpler implementation that only exposes the simpler (and common in the literature) G=(V,E) structure - i.e. a set of vertices and edges.

One example is already available in the branch for partitioning.

Why is it beneficial:

Comparison For Edges:

const auto relax_edge = [&](const Edge &edge) {
    if( !(search_forwards ? data.forward : data.backward) )
    // New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
    const EdgeWeight edge_weight = data.weight;

    BOOST_ASSERT(edge.weight > 0);
    const EdgeWeight new_weight = weight + edge.weight;
    if (!forward_heap.WasInserted(
        forward_heap.Insert(, new_weight, node);
    // Found a shorter Path -> Update weight
    else if (to_weight < forward_heap.GetKey(
        // new parent
        forward_heap.GetData( = node;
        // decreased weight
        forward_heap.DecreaseKey(, new_weight);

boost::for_each(graph.Edges(node), relax_edge);

We could even think of using boost filter iterators to allow filtering for forward edges directly.


In a first step, we could transform the static_graph / dynamic graph into wrappers that hold a new graph and mimic the old interface (kind of what GraphView does in partition (see here)).

referencing /

daniel-j-h commented 7 years ago

:+1: for having nice interfaces for our graphs; the partition graph was a pleasure to work with.