Project-Platypus / Platypus

A Free and Open Source Python Library for Multiobjective Optimization
GNU General Public License v3.0
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hypervolume giving 0? #138

Closed sabrinadraude closed 4 years ago

sabrinadraude commented 4 years ago


really love using this library! I've been using the 'Hypervolume' part of the Platypus library in python.

At present the hypervolume value I am getting is 0.0. I'm not sure if this is because I am minimising one objective and maximising the other? The hypervolume produces a value if I change the constraints to maximise for the minimisation objective.

I've tried a large variety of different values for minimum and maximum in the hypervolume but still get 0. the solution results themselves produce a nice curved pareto front. So I am not quite sure what I have done wrong with the hypervolume :

N = 10000 problem = Problem(len(job_allocation), 2, 2) problem.directions[1] = Problem.MINIMIZE problem.directions[0] = Problem.MAXIMIZE problem.constraints[:] = ">=0" problem.types[:] = Integer(0, my_counter_again-1) problem.function = lambda x: evaluation_function2(x, jobs, job_index, dur_datetime) algorithm = NSGAII(problem)

hyp = Hypervolume(minimum=[0, 240], maximum=[47, 600]) fi = hyp.calculate(algorithm.result) print("Hypervolume value:", fi)

plot the results

plt.scatter([s.objectives[0] for s in algorithm.result], [s.objectives[1] for s in algorithm.result]) plt.xlim([25, 45]) plt.ylim([250, 600]) plt.xlabel("Priority score") plt.ylabel("Cost: £") Any info would be helpful!



jetuk commented 4 years ago

Do you have any constraint violations in the results? I believe the HV calculation will return zero if there are no feasible solutions.

sabrinadraude commented 4 years ago

Ah yes, I had forgotten a + in one of the constraints definitions! Thank you :)

Do you know a good way to display hypervolume results? The example online compares the hypervolumes of different models. I was wondering if it could be used for comparing the hypervolumes of the solutions throughout the iterations ?

eg for 100 iterations can 100 hypervolumes be given?



jetuk commented 4 years ago

I tend to do this outside of platypus, but I think you can do something like this (I've not tested this). I think the algorithm will just keep running from wherever you left it if you call run again. So, you can just put it in a loop and periodically calculate HV.

Make sure you keep the minimum & maximum constant for all HV calculations for them to be comparable.

hv = []
N = list(range(0, N, 500))  # Run the algorithm in chunks of 500 
for n in N:
    hyp = Hypervolume(minimum=[0, 240], maximum=[47, 600])
    fi = hyp.calculate(algorithm.result)
    print(f"Hypervolume after {n} evaluations: {fi}")

plt.plot(N, hv)
plt.xlabel('Number of function evaluations.')
sabrinadraude commented 4 years ago

Thanks, this works! Gonna go try compare the different algorithms now.

Thanks :)