Provide a brief overview of the purpose of this pull request
Fixes furniture unloading when leaving property.
So, as I understood, once table.remove is used and entry is actually removed, leftovers in table shifts, thus changing the indexes. As a result, we do not iterate through all the furniture.
UI Changes / Functionality
Testing Steps
Enter other player's property with placed furniture.
Leave the property and enter yours.
[YES] Did you test the changes you made?
[YES] Did you test core functionality of the script to ensure your changes do not regress other areas?
[YES] Did you test your changes in multiplayer to ensure it works correctly on all clients?
Provide a brief overview of the purpose of this pull request Fixes furniture unloading when leaving property.
So, as I understood, once table.remove is used and entry is actually removed, leftovers in table shifts, thus changing the indexes. As a result, we do not iterate through all the furniture.
UI Changes / Functionality
Testing Steps
Enter other player's property with placed furniture. Leave the property and enter yours.