Project-Sloth / ps-weedplanting

Project Sloth Weed Script
GNU General Public License v3.0
51 stars 43 forks source link

Everything works decent expect #3

Closed Soldierofthelam closed 1 year ago

Soldierofthelam commented 1 year ago

Everything but for deliveries you can't package at the npc no error call up so not sure the issue also polyzones show during delivery and can't get them to shut off causes lag during deliveries with polyzone

Desktop Screenshot 2023 02 27 - 10 56 47 13

Desktop Screenshot 2023 02 27 - 10 53 58 44

MonkeyWhisper commented 1 year ago

Cannot duplicate, already tested and works fine.

Soldierofthelam commented 1 year ago

well for polyzones the code shows

--- Method to create a drop-off location for delivering the weedrun packages --- @return nil local createNewDropOff = function() if hasDropOff then return end hasDropOff = true TriggerEvent('qb-phone:client:CustomNotification', _U('weedrun_delivery_title'), _U('weedrun_delivery_godropoff'), 'fas fa-cannabis', '#00FF00', 8000) local randomLoc = Shared.DropOffLocations[math.random(#Shared.DropOffLocations)] createDropOffBlip(randomLoc) dropOffArea = CircleZone:Create(, 85.0, { name = 'dropOffArea', debugPoly = true

debugPoly = true <-----------------"doe's this need to be true to function this is the default"-------------- "UPDATED TURNING THIS OFF FIXES POLYZONE ISSUE"

it's set to off for packaging

packageZone = CircleZone:Create(, 10.0, { name = 'weedrunning_start', debugPoly = false })


It' would of been nice if this was actually looked at and not dismissed because you couldn't reproduce the issue, Everything else works fine in the script but packaging to weedplant_package Only way as of right now to use delivery is to spawn in the weedplant_package

Soldierofthelam commented 1 year ago

I've spent the day tested this on a new qb-vanilla server build with no other extra scripts except for this one vanilla everything, added items added images same results so I'm not sure how your not able to reproduce this is def not a user error