Project-Sonata / Artists

Sonata-Artist is used to store info about artists, gives ability to become an artist and more!
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Implement functionality to become an artist #2

Closed justJavaProgrammer closed 1 year ago

justJavaProgrammer commented 1 year ago

Implement functionality to become an artist. This implementation does not use any music distributor and used to create artist by user himself.


Method - POST URI - /v1/artist/become-artist Required scopes for this endpoint:

Required headers:

202 ACCEPTED status must be returned Content type: application/json Body:

"type": "pending",
"tracking": {
  "url": ""

If access token is expired, malformed or invalid then: 401 UNAUTHORIZED status must be returned Headers:

Processing details: Endpoint should create artist from user and send event to kafka with name - "ArtistRegistrationEvent" ArtistRegistrationEvent payload in json:

  "event_code": "artist_registration_event",
  "name": "Odeyalooo",
  "genres": [
        "Lofi", "Hip-Hop"

The artist must be saved to database. Basic database schema for artist:

justJavaProgrammer commented 1 year ago

Implemented in