User Story:
As a user of the platform,
I want the ability to represent both as a startup and as an investor company,
so that I can engage in the platform's ecosystem from both perspectives using a single account.
Acceptance Criteria:
Dual Role Setup:
Users can choose to represent themselves as a startup, an investor, or both during registration or through their profile settings.
Seamless Role Switching:
Users should be able to switch between startup and investor roles easily within the platform.
The interface must clearly indicate the current active role.
Distinct Role Functionality:
In the startup role, users should be able to manage their startup profile and projects.
In the investor role, users should be able to explore startups, interact with them, and make investment offers.
Data Segregation:
The platform must keep startup-related and investor-related activities separate and distinct.
Unified Profile Management:
Users can manage both role profiles under one account, with appropriate functionalities based on the selected role.
Security and Privacy:
Privacy and security measures should ensure that switching roles does not compromise sensitive information of either role.
User Story: As a user of the platform, I want the ability to represent both as a startup and as an investor company, so that I can engage in the platform's ecosystem from both perspectives using a single account.
Acceptance Criteria:
Dual Role Setup:
Seamless Role Switching:
Distinct Role Functionality:
Data Segregation:
Unified Profile Management:
Security and Privacy: