Project-Stage-Academy / UA_1155_alpha

UA-1155.Python Project Stage alpha group
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Updating Project Information by Startups #16

Open mehalyna opened 3 months ago

mehalyna commented 3 months ago

As a startup company, I want to update my project information, so that I can keep potential investors informed about our progress and milestones.

Acceptance Criteria:

Scenario: Update project information Given I am a logged-in startup user When I navigate to my project information section And I update details about my project including title, description, and status Then the updated project information should be saved And it should be immediately visible on my public startup profile

Scenario: Validation of updated information Given I am updating my project information When I submit incomplete or invalid project details Then I should receive an error message indicating the necessary corrections

Scenario: Notification to investors following the startup (Optional) Given I update my project information And there are investors following my startup When I save the updated information Then a notification about the update should be sent to the investors