Project-Stage-Academy / UA_1155_alpha

UA-1155.Python Project Stage alpha group
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Add Swager to our project #62

Closed NovitskaMariia closed 2 months ago

NovitskaMariia commented 2 months ago

Task Description:

Integrate Swagger (OpenAPI) documentation into our Django project to provide a user-friendly interface for API exploration and testing.


1. Install drf-yasg: Add drf-yasg package to our Django project. This package generates real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 specifications from a Django Rest Framework API.

2. Configure drf-yasg: Configure drf-yasg in our Django project settings to generate Swagger documentation.

3. Create Swagger Schema: Define Swagger schema for our API views. This involves creating a Swagger SchemaView subclass and configuring it to include our API endpoints.

4. Document API Views: Add docstrings to our API views with appropriate descriptions, parameters, and responses. These docstrings will be used by drf-yasg to generate the Swagger documentation.

5. Include Swagger URL: Include the URL patterns for the Swagger documentation in our project's URL configuration. This allows users to access the Swagger UI and explore the API endpoints.

6. Test Swagger UI: Start the Django development server and navigate to the Swagger UI endpoint in a web browser. Ensure that the Swagger documentation is displayed correctly and reflects the API endpoints and their descriptions.

7. Test API Interactions: Interact with the API endpoints using the Swagger UI interface. Send requests to various endpoints, observe the responses, and verify that they match the documented behavior.

8. Ensure Security Definitions: If our API requires authentication or authorization, ensure that the Swagger documentation includes security definitions and instructions for authentication.