Description (Explain with detail the issue)
Daenerys particles don't disapear and stay flating in the air.
Steps to reproduce (Explain the exact steps to reproduce this issue)
Go to the lvl1_2, go to the room wirh the lancer an shoot particles towards the shortcut level (opens the door to pass the puzzle)
Category (Gameplay, Animation, Scripting, Particles, Physics,...) Gameplay
Description (Explain with detail the issue) Daenerys particles don't disapear and stay flating in the air.
Steps to reproduce (Explain the exact steps to reproduce this issue) Go to the lvl1_2, go to the room wirh the lancer an shoot particles towards the shortcut level (opens the door to pass the puzzle)
Priority (P1:Critical, P2:High, P3:Medium, P4;Low) P2
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