Project60 / org.project60.sepa

SEPA direct debit integration with civicrm
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Extension fails to install #443

Closed bkaless closed 7 years ago

bkaless commented 7 years ago

I set up a fresh CiviCRM-Environment:

In both cases (PHP7 or PHP5.6) I get the following error on Install SQL File not found

The detail log is: Warning: file_get_contents(-- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_sdd_creditor -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTScivicrm_sdd_creditor(idint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID',creditor_idint unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID that owns that account',identifiervarchar(35) COMMENT 'Provided by the bank. ISO country code+check digit+ZZZ+country specific identifier',namevarchar(255) COMMENT 'by default creditor_id.display_name snapshot at creation',addressvarchar(255) COMMENT 'by default creditor_id.address (billing) at creation',country_idint unsigned COMMENT 'Which Country does this address belong to.',ibanvarchar(42) NULL COMMENT 'Iban of the creditor',bicvarchar(11) COMMENT 'BIC of the creditor',mandate_prefixvarchar(4) COMMENT 'prefix for mandate identifiers',payment_processor_idint unsigned ,categoryvarchar(4) COMMENT 'Default value',tagvarchar(64) NULL COMMENT 'Place this creditor\'s transaction groups in an XML file tagged with this value.',mandate_activetinyint COMMENT 'If true, new Mandates for this Creditor are set to active directly upon creation; otherwise, they have to be activated explicitly later on.',sepa_file_format_idint unsigned COMMENT 'Variant of the pain.008 format to use when generating SEPA XML files for this creditor. FK to SEPA File Formats in civicrm_option_value.' , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_creditor_creditor_id FOREIGN KEY (creditor_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_contact(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_creditor_country_id FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_country(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_sdd_mandate -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTScivicrm_sdd_mandate(idint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID',referencevarchar(35) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The unique mandate reference',sourcevarchar(64) COMMENT 'Needed or coming from ContributionRecur? phoning/online/face 2 face....',entity_tablevarchar(64) COMMENT 'physical tablename for entity being joined, eg contributionRecur or Membership',entity_idint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to entity table specified in entity_table column.',datedatetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'signature date, by default now()',creditor_idint unsigned COMMENT 'FK to ssd_creditor',contact_idint unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID that owns that account',ibanvarchar(42) NULL COMMENT 'Iban of the debtor',bicvarchar(11) COMMENT 'BIC of the debtor',typevarchar(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'RCUR' COMMENT 'RCUR for recurrent (default), OOFF for one-shot',statusvarchar(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'INIT' COMMENT 'Status of the mandate (INIT, OOFF, FRST, RCUR, SENT, INVALID, COMPLETE, ONHOLD, PARTIAL)',is_enabledtinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'If the mandate has been validated',creation_datedatetime COMMENT 'by default now()',first_contribution_idint unsigned COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_contribution',validation_datedatetime, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE INDEXreference(reference), INDEXindex_entity(entity_table, entity_id), INDEXiban(iban), CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_mandate_creditor_id FOREIGN KEY (creditor_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_sdd_creditor(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_mandate_contact_id FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_contact(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_mandate_first_contribution_id FOREIGN KEY (first_contribution_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_contribution(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; -- /******************************************************* -- * -- * civicrm_sdd_file -- * -- *******************************************************/ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTScivicrm_sdd_file(idint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID',referencevarchar(64) COMMENT 'End-to-end reference for this sdd file.',filenamechar(64) COMMENT 'Name of the generated file',latest_submission_datedatetime COMMENT 'Latest submission date',created_datedatetime COMMENT 'When was this item created',created_idint unsigned COMMENT 'FK to Contact ID of creator',status_idint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'fk to Batch Status options in civicrm_option_values',commentstext COMMENT 'Comments about processing of this file',tagvarchar(64) NULL COMMENT 'Tag used to group multiple creditors in this XML file.' , PRIMARY KEY (id) , UNIQUE INDEXUI_reference( reference ) , UNIQUE INDEXUI_filename( filename ) , CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_file_created_id FOREIGN KEY (created_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_contact(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTScivicrm_sdd_txgroup(idint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID',referencevarchar(64) COMMENT 'End-to-end reference for this tx group.',typechar(4) COMMENT 'FRST, RCUR or OOFF',collection_datedatetime COMMENT 'Target collection date',latest_submission_datedatetime COMMENT 'Latest submission date',created_datedatetime COMMENT 'When was this item created',status_idint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'fk to Batch Status options in civicrm_option_values',sdd_creditor_idint unsigned COMMENT 'fk to SDD Creditor Id',sdd_file_idint unsigned COMMENT 'fk to SDD File Id' , PRIMARY KEY (id) , UNIQUE INDEXUI_reference( reference ) , CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_txgroup_sdd_creditor_id FOREIGN KEY (sdd_creditor_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_sdd_creditor(id) ON DELETE SET NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_txgroup_sdd_file_id FOREIGN KEY (sdd_file_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_sdd_file(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTScivicrm_sdd_contribution_txgroup(idint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'primary key',contribution_idint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to Contribution ID',txgroup_idint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'FK to civicrm_sdd_txgroup' , PRIMARY KEY (id) , UNIQUE INDEXcontriblookup( contribution_id ) , INDEXtxglookup( txgroup_id ) , CONSTRAINT FK_civicrm_sdd_cGGoup_id FOREIGN KEY (txgroup_id) REFERENCEScivicrm_sdd_txgroup(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ; ): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in CRM_Utils_File::sourceSQLFile() (Zeile 320 von /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Utils/File.php).

bjendres commented 7 years ago

@bkaless Which version? CiviCRM and CiviSEPA.

bkaless commented 7 years ago

It is SEPA Direct Debit CiviSEPA 1.2.4 on CiviCRM 4.7.22 I tried to install it directly via civicrm/admin/extensions

The MYSQL-User has all rights for the database

bkaless commented 7 years ago

I also treid the 1.2.5-alpha1 version with the same issue.

adanielvv commented 7 years ago

This should be fixed with this pull: @systopia when will the new alpha2 be released?

Pull request for

bjendres commented 7 years ago

@bkaless Could you please check again with 1.2.5.alpha2?

bkaless commented 7 years ago

Yes, it works ;)

bjendres commented 7 years ago

@bkaless Great! Please keep reporting your findings!